Men are molested too!Sex abuse is a subject that affects almost everyfamily in the United States if not the entire world.Statistics show that six of every ten women aresexually assaulted before they reach the age ofeighteen. This statistic is widely known.Much less well-known is that one of every six BOYSis assaulted before reaching the age of sixteen.Male sexual assault was the world's best keptsecret, that is, until a few brave men took the wrapsoff of several predatory priests in the RomanCatholic Church. The resulting scandal wasn't reallyabout male sexual abuse, it was about the covertdeviousness of the Catholic Church in protectingtheir sexual predators. Lost in the shuffle is the factthat virtually every case of sexual molestation bythese degenerate clergymen was perpetrated onone or more young boys. And not just once; butover and over again until the boys were somehowable to break free. Now that the information ispublic other male survivors are coming forth to tellof their vile experiences, not just with members ofthe clergy, but friends, strangers and even familymembers.This book is for the purpose of allowing a few ofthese surviving victims to relate their experiences.This may serve as therapy to them, and it should -and must - serve as a wake-up call to the rest of us.
Men are molested too!Sex abuse is a subject that affects almost everyfamily in the United States if not the entire world.Statistics show that six of every ten women aresexually assaulted before they reach the age ofeighteen. This statistic is widely known.Much less well-known is that one of every six BOYSis assaulted before reaching the age of sixteen.Male sexual assault was the world's best keptsecret, that is, until a few brave men took the wrapsoff of several predatory priests in the RomanCatholic Church. The resulting scandal wasn't reallyabout male sexual abuse, it was about the covertdeviousness of the Catholic Church in protectingtheir sexual predators. Lost in the shuffle is the factthat virtually every case of sexual molestation bythese degenerate clergymen was perpetrated onone or more young boys. And not just once; butover and over again until the boys were somehowable to break free. Now that the information ispublic other male survivors are coming forth to tellof their vile experiences, not just with members ofthe clergy, but friends, strangers and even familymembers.This book is for the purpose of allowing a few ofthese surviving victims to relate their experiences.This may serve as therapy to them, and it should -and must - serve as a wake-up call to the rest of us.