This book’s centerpiece is a Line Betting strategy for Casino Craps, which is the very best way the game can be played. Comprehensively, the book presents a complete system of casino craps play. It’s the product of the author’s nearly thirty years of studying and personally playing the game. The sequence of chapters works its way from the nuts and bolts of casino gambling through to a comprehensive treatment of the nature and practice of playing Passline and Comeline craps to best possible advantage. Among the topics covered are game rules and odds, casino comps, betting strategies, table selection, bankrolling and risk of ruin, game cycles, survival tactics, and the likelihood of becoming a lifetime winner. Opening chapters are mostly written for those who are unfamiliar with craps or also possibly unfamiliar with casino gambling in general. Still, veteran players may also benefit from these early chapters even though it might only amount to a familiar game being presented from a unique perspective. In contrast, the book’s middle and later chapters should undoubtedly prove interesting to anyone with a regular inclination and passion for the game.
This book’s centerpiece is a Line Betting strategy for Casino Craps, which is the very best way the game can be played. Comprehensively, the book presents a complete system of casino craps play. It’s the product of the author’s nearly thirty years of studying and personally playing the game. The sequence of chapters works its way from the nuts and bolts of casino gambling through to a comprehensive treatment of the nature and practice of playing Passline and Comeline craps to best possible advantage. Among the topics covered are game rules and odds, casino comps, betting strategies, table selection, bankrolling and risk of ruin, game cycles, survival tactics, and the likelihood of becoming a lifetime winner. Opening chapters are mostly written for those who are unfamiliar with craps or also possibly unfamiliar with casino gambling in general. Still, veteran players may also benefit from these early chapters even though it might only amount to a familiar game being presented from a unique perspective. In contrast, the book’s middle and later chapters should undoubtedly prove interesting to anyone with a regular inclination and passion for the game.