Samsung has again made its mark in the mobile field with the release of the latest Samsung Galaxy phones. The Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge were launched to the public in February of 2016 and are expected to be released for purchase by early March of the same year. The new models have received rave reviews and Samsung commended for maintaining the high quality and impressive features usually associated with the brand. Though the devices bear different names, the features they offer users are similar in nature. The S7 boasts a 5.1-inch screen with resolution of 2,560 by 1,440 pixels, a twelve-megapixel camera, IP68 water resistant rating, built-in storage capacity of up to 64GB and microSD card slot. The S7 Edge has a 3600mAh battery, the largest battery in the S line of phones, 5.5-inch screen with dual edge technology and a 12megapixel rear camera.
Samsung has again made its mark in the mobile field with the release of the latest Samsung Galaxy phones. The Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge were launched to the public in February of 2016 and are expected to be released for purchase by early March of the same year. The new models have received rave reviews and Samsung commended for maintaining the high quality and impressive features usually associated with the brand. Though the devices bear different names, the features they offer users are similar in nature. The S7 boasts a 5.1-inch screen with resolution of 2,560 by 1,440 pixels, a twelve-megapixel camera, IP68 water resistant rating, built-in storage capacity of up to 64GB and microSD card slot. The S7 Edge has a 3600mAh battery, the largest battery in the S line of phones, 5.5-inch screen with dual edge technology and a 12megapixel rear camera.