This fictional autobiography of a bright, but introverted and slightly insecure Henry Lawson begins at a young age when he hears strange voices, which at first he does not recognize. He attributes one voice to Sable Shadow, a confidant of the devil, and the other to The Presence, possibly a representative of God. His life becomes a “sort of board game” for these powerful contestants.-----In high school, Henry is introduced to the writings of Jean-Paul Sartre, and he begins to see life in existential terms, though this does not infringe on his rudimentary Christian beliefs.----Upon Henrys entry into the business world, he receives guidance from Sable Shadow, and advances to a high corporate level. But with his career nearly at its peak, Henry suffers a series of devastating tragedies. Feeling tormented, he attempts suicide. With the help of his wife and a psychiatrist with whom he engages in philosophical dialogue, he constructs a completely new identity in an attempt to overcome tragedy.----Sable Shadow & The Presence is a novel rich in triumph and tragedy, success and failure, good and evil. The story develops a fascinating framework for understanding these complexities of life.
This fictional autobiography of a bright, but introverted and slightly insecure Henry Lawson begins at a young age when he hears strange voices, which at first he does not recognize. He attributes one voice to Sable Shadow, a confidant of the devil, and the other to The Presence, possibly a representative of God. His life becomes a “sort of board game” for these powerful contestants.-----In high school, Henry is introduced to the writings of Jean-Paul Sartre, and he begins to see life in existential terms, though this does not infringe on his rudimentary Christian beliefs.----Upon Henrys entry into the business world, he receives guidance from Sable Shadow, and advances to a high corporate level. But with his career nearly at its peak, Henry suffers a series of devastating tragedies. Feeling tormented, he attempts suicide. With the help of his wife and a psychiatrist with whom he engages in philosophical dialogue, he constructs a completely new identity in an attempt to overcome tragedy.----Sable Shadow & The Presence is a novel rich in triumph and tragedy, success and failure, good and evil. The story develops a fascinating framework for understanding these complexities of life.