"Rivke" is the story of one day in the life of a fifty year old woman in New York City. It is also the story of every American woman who is "lucky" enough to reach the age of fifty alive! This story can be yours if you are lucky enough to be an American woman who is over fifty and still alive and kicking. This very original book solves the fascinating psychological puzzle -- What do women really want and what do they believe they really want? In one crucial day of her life, the heroine of this novel is buggered and mugged, raped and drugged and her apartment gets painted too!
"Rivke" is the story of one day in the life of a fifty year old woman in New York City. It is also the story of every American woman who is "lucky" enough to reach the age of fifty alive! This story can be yours if you are lucky enough to be an American woman who is over fifty and still alive and kicking. This very original book solves the fascinating psychological puzzle -- What do women really want and what do they believe they really want? In one crucial day of her life, the heroine of this novel is buggered and mugged, raped and drugged and her apartment gets painted too!