Finally after over 2000 years the truth of the Hebrew, Christian and Islamic religions are revealed in this factual and unbiased expose’ of greed, lies and corruption of the leaders of each religion. As Pope Innocent III stated in 1215 “the source of man’s corruption was the clergy and the church”, a statement that remains as true today as it was spoken in 1215. The “Holy books” of the three religions are based upon Genesis which was stolen from the ancient pagan Sumerian magico-religion. The fact that Genesis and it’s evils was stolen from a pagan story and not Revelation as preached by the “Holy religions” unequivocally proves that the “Holy religions” were created on lies, deceit, evil and greed by charlatans who sought power and wealth.
Finally after over 2000 years the truth of the Hebrew, Christian and Islamic religions are revealed in this factual and unbiased expose’ of greed, lies and corruption of the leaders of each religion. As Pope Innocent III stated in 1215 “the source of man’s corruption was the clergy and the church”, a statement that remains as true today as it was spoken in 1215. The “Holy books” of the three religions are based upon Genesis which was stolen from the ancient pagan Sumerian magico-religion. The fact that Genesis and it’s evils was stolen from a pagan story and not Revelation as preached by the “Holy religions” unequivocally proves that the “Holy religions” were created on lies, deceit, evil and greed by charlatans who sought power and wealth.