Reality Checks is the fast-paced action/crime/adventure story of Hal, a young man on the verge of success who witnesses a felony. Circumstances make it appear that hes involved. He could lose his security clearance, job, wife and children and even go to prison. The real criminals seek to kill him to shut him up and an obsessed FBI agent hunts him like hes a hardened criminal. During a series of hair-raising adventures, Hal faces a grim realityno one in his life is who they appear.. Can he change in order to survive?
Reality Checks is the fast-paced action/crime/adventure story of Hal, a young man on the verge of success who witnesses a felony. Circumstances make it appear that hes involved. He could lose his security clearance, job, wife and children and even go to prison. The real criminals seek to kill him to shut him up and an obsessed FBI agent hunts him like hes a hardened criminal. During a series of hair-raising adventures, Hal faces a grim realityno one in his life is who they appear.. Can he change in order to survive?