Change the way you think of giving birth… and the way you deliver, will change!"Ready to Deliver Business Strategies" revolves round this very thought. Venturing into a business, irrespective of the industry, is a wonderful feeling. A feeling that's simply irreplaceable, as long as it's well planned!Distilling reality into a book, "Ready to Deliver Business Strategies" is a confession, an eye-witness or self-tried fundas, which will help the entrepreneurs to-be to transform their brain child into reality!It takes Nine Months for a life to come into existence. Similarly, chapter after chapter, this book reveals nine simple steps to launch a fool-proof business.It motivates, surprises, excites, drills, and moreover takes the entrepreneurs to-be on a roller-coaster ride of reality. By the time their eyes read the ending notes; they are all set for a great beginning!
Change the way you think of giving birth… and the way you deliver, will change!"Ready to Deliver Business Strategies" revolves round this very thought. Venturing into a business, irrespective of the industry, is a wonderful feeling. A feeling that's simply irreplaceable, as long as it's well planned!Distilling reality into a book, "Ready to Deliver Business Strategies" is a confession, an eye-witness or self-tried fundas, which will help the entrepreneurs to-be to transform their brain child into reality!It takes Nine Months for a life to come into existence. Similarly, chapter after chapter, this book reveals nine simple steps to launch a fool-proof business.It motivates, surprises, excites, drills, and moreover takes the entrepreneurs to-be on a roller-coaster ride of reality. By the time their eyes read the ending notes; they are all set for a great beginning!