“The Rape of the Soul" speaks about what many masters have told in the past and many would tell in the future. Yet, what makes it special is the form it is written in and the way it has been told and re-told. The 154 sonnets signify the number of sonnets composed by William Shakespeare. These sonnets speak about a realization of soul. Each sonnet is a subject within itself and at the same time every sonnet connects to the next to tell the story in completeness. Inspired from the holy books the first sonnet speaks about a soul which cannot be killed, drowned, pierced or burned but is subjected to a larger than life crime of raping it. The work is titled as per the theme and shows various scenarios from the classical illustration of seven deadly sins to the modern crime of not doing justice to one’s own talent. Not stopping at stating the problem it moves onto speak about the consequences and then the solution. What makes this work special is that though it deals with a sensitive issue it does not intend to preach.
“The Rape of the Soul" speaks about what many masters have told in the past and many would tell in the future. Yet, what makes it special is the form it is written in and the way it has been told and re-told. The 154 sonnets signify the number of sonnets composed by William Shakespeare. These sonnets speak about a realization of soul. Each sonnet is a subject within itself and at the same time every sonnet connects to the next to tell the story in completeness. Inspired from the holy books the first sonnet speaks about a soul which cannot be killed, drowned, pierced or burned but is subjected to a larger than life crime of raping it. The work is titled as per the theme and shows various scenarios from the classical illustration of seven deadly sins to the modern crime of not doing justice to one’s own talent. Not stopping at stating the problem it moves onto speak about the consequences and then the solution. What makes this work special is that though it deals with a sensitive issue it does not intend to preach.