In the final installment of the Aquarius Rising trilogy, tensions between Humans and Aquarians have reached the boiling point. In Book 1, Redeemer Edmund Bryce unleashes the Medusa Plague that entombs Aquarian reef-cities in stone as he strives to restore the scorched lands of the Barrens to health at the expense of the oceans. Ocypode, an Aquarian Atavism who serves as Chief Lorekeeper of Phylamook Reef, and his motley collection of comrades manage to stop Bryce and avert disaster. In Book 2, Megalops, an Aquarian biosculptor, is driven mad with grief by the slaughter of his mate and daughter in the wake of the Medusa Massacres. His relentless quest for vengeance leads him to unleash the Vendetta Virus against Redeemer enclaves and causes Aquarius to erupt into civil war.
Ocypode and his friends foil Megalops, but not without tragic casualties that spur a Redeemer ally to reveal everything about Earth's covert warfare to the public. Instead of shaming the combatants to sue for peace, these revelations inspire desperation on both sides and trigger an escalation of hostilities that threatens to destroy all humanoid life on the embattled planet. The tribes of whales sing an ancient prophecy of the Storm-Slayer, a legendary child of Mother Earth and Mother Ocean who is destined to defuse the conflict and save the world. Ocypode's cetacean friends believe he is that mythic figure. Destiny weighs heavily on Ocypode's shoulders as he struggles to forge an alliance between the scattered, distrustful child species of humanity, as well as the Human Guardians beneath the waves and the Human Redeemers dedicated to resurrection of the land, to chart a path to peace.
Both sides resort to waging war by proxy, using barbaric hordes of reptilian Saurians and brutal smart-sharks to commit atrocities against victims on land and sea. War demands sacrifice. Ocypode understands this all too well and is willing to pay in blood... but how steep is the price of peace? And can the world afford to pay it?
In the final installment of the Aquarius Rising trilogy, tensions between Humans and Aquarians have reached the boiling point. In Book 1, Redeemer Edmund Bryce unleashes the Medusa Plague that entombs Aquarian reef-cities in stone as he strives to restore the scorched lands of the Barrens to health at the expense of the oceans. Ocypode, an Aquarian Atavism who serves as Chief Lorekeeper of Phylamook Reef, and his motley collection of comrades manage to stop Bryce and avert disaster. In Book 2, Megalops, an Aquarian biosculptor, is driven mad with grief by the slaughter of his mate and daughter in the wake of the Medusa Massacres. His relentless quest for vengeance leads him to unleash the Vendetta Virus against Redeemer enclaves and causes Aquarius to erupt into civil war.
Ocypode and his friends foil Megalops, but not without tragic casualties that spur a Redeemer ally to reveal everything about Earth's covert warfare to the public. Instead of shaming the combatants to sue for peace, these revelations inspire desperation on both sides and trigger an escalation of hostilities that threatens to destroy all humanoid life on the embattled planet. The tribes of whales sing an ancient prophecy of the Storm-Slayer, a legendary child of Mother Earth and Mother Ocean who is destined to defuse the conflict and save the world. Ocypode's cetacean friends believe he is that mythic figure. Destiny weighs heavily on Ocypode's shoulders as he struggles to forge an alliance between the scattered, distrustful child species of humanity, as well as the Human Guardians beneath the waves and the Human Redeemers dedicated to resurrection of the land, to chart a path to peace.
Both sides resort to waging war by proxy, using barbaric hordes of reptilian Saurians and brutal smart-sharks to commit atrocities against victims on land and sea. War demands sacrifice. Ocypode understands this all too well and is willing to pay in blood... but how steep is the price of peace? And can the world afford to pay it?