The story of Parnelli Jones is the story of American auto racing. Jones grew up in Torrance, a tough city on the edge of Los Angeles. A teenage love affair with cars turned into a full-blown relationship with adult speed, running hardscrabble races across the country: from jalopies at Carrell Speedway to the dirt track at Ascot Park to sprint cars in the Midwest to the stock circuit in the South. By today's standards the racing was unbelievable in its recklessness. His life was on the line in every race, but his courage was impenetrable. In 1963 Parnelli qualified for Indy and won. In 1964 he was almost killed at the same race. In 1967 he was eight miles from victory when his car broke down, leaving him unable to finish. In 1968 he was the lion in winter, battling equipment and overwhelming odds. This is a gritty, American tale of survival and the unlikely birth of a savage and spectacular sport.
The story of Parnelli Jones is the story of American auto racing. Jones grew up in Torrance, a tough city on the edge of Los Angeles. A teenage love affair with cars turned into a full-blown relationship with adult speed, running hardscrabble races across the country: from jalopies at Carrell Speedway to the dirt track at Ascot Park to sprint cars in the Midwest to the stock circuit in the South. By today's standards the racing was unbelievable in its recklessness. His life was on the line in every race, but his courage was impenetrable. In 1963 Parnelli qualified for Indy and won. In 1964 he was almost killed at the same race. In 1967 he was eight miles from victory when his car broke down, leaving him unable to finish. In 1968 he was the lion in winter, battling equipment and overwhelming odds. This is a gritty, American tale of survival and the unlikely birth of a savage and spectacular sport.