Inquisitive children will be children; as they age they’ll want to know more. With the emergence of the internet, this is easier than parents think. All it takes is a few keystrokes and they’ve come to the website of their choice. Even with that, children find ways to get the information they need. This book is directed primarily to parents of pre-teen children, however; a repercussion for older children is clearly apparent. Being online exposes children to a new way of exploring things. Or they will access one of their favorite children’s television websites and look at old episodes of their favorite shows or seek out the latest "apps." If it doesn’t cost them much of anything, they will take advantage of what the internet has to offer. It is a parents duty to keep them safe!
Inquisitive children will be children; as they age they’ll want to know more. With the emergence of the internet, this is easier than parents think. All it takes is a few keystrokes and they’ve come to the website of their choice. Even with that, children find ways to get the information they need. This book is directed primarily to parents of pre-teen children, however; a repercussion for older children is clearly apparent. Being online exposes children to a new way of exploring things. Or they will access one of their favorite children’s television websites and look at old episodes of their favorite shows or seek out the latest "apps." If it doesn’t cost them much of anything, they will take advantage of what the internet has to offer. It is a parents duty to keep them safe!