Beginning in 1911 as a simple home tutoring arrangement for the two young sons of Philip and Emily Van Patten, the Ojai Valley School (OVS) has become a modern, state-of-the-art educational institution. Building on the unique educational philosophy of Edward Yeomans, OVS, now offering kindergarten through the 12th grade, has educated more than 5,000 young men and women who have gone on to be contributing members of society. A high school campus, established in 1963, complements the original 1923 elementary campus. The school now accommodates over 300 boarders and day students and is the only elementary boarding school in the West. OVS combines arts, academics, camping, and horse programs in the unique setting of the beautiful Ojai Valley.
Beginning in 1911 as a simple home tutoring arrangement for the two young sons of Philip and Emily Van Patten, the Ojai Valley School (OVS) has become a modern, state-of-the-art educational institution. Building on the unique educational philosophy of Edward Yeomans, OVS, now offering kindergarten through the 12th grade, has educated more than 5,000 young men and women who have gone on to be contributing members of society. A high school campus, established in 1963, complements the original 1923 elementary campus. The school now accommodates over 300 boarders and day students and is the only elementary boarding school in the West. OVS combines arts, academics, camping, and horse programs in the unique setting of the beautiful Ojai Valley.