Neal A. Maxwell Quote Book
During Elder Neal A. Maxwell's conference addresses, many listeners must have wished there were some means to capture and hold those skillfully crafted phrases that mark his stimulating style. With the publication of this book, that wish has been spectacularly granted. The quotations within these pages — over fifteen hundred in all — have been selected not only from his addresses but also from his numerous published books. Bearing eloquent gospel witness, they are spread through three hundred subjects. An extensive index further enhances this user-friendly book. And although this volume is formatted as a reference book, the power and focus of the individual quotations are such that the book can be read straight through with both spiritual and intellectual delight. Finding out the deep things of God, said Joseph Smith, requires "time, and experience, and careful and ponderous and solemn thoughts." That the author has paid the price is evident. For example, of the plan of salvation he writes: "It does no violence even to our frail human logic to observe that there cannot be a grand plan of salvation for all mankind unless there is also a plan for each individual." This profound statement gives all of us cause to ponder. And there is much, much more. This book will be of immense value not only to the ordinary reader and in the home but also to teachers of priesthood, Relief Society, and auxiliary classes. It is indeed a gold mine of gospel nuggets that will greatly assist, comfort, and encourage the traveler along life's path.
During Elder Neal A. Maxwell's conference addresses, many listeners must have wished there were some means to capture and hold those skillfully crafted phrases that mark his stimulating style. With the publication of this book, that wish has been spectacularly granted. The quotations within these pages — over fifteen hundred in all — have been selected not only from his addresses but also from his numerous published books. Bearing eloquent gospel witness, they are spread through three hundred subjects. An extensive index further enhances this user-friendly book. And although this volume is formatted as a reference book, the power and focus of the individual quotations are such that the book can be read straight through with both spiritual and intellectual delight. Finding out the deep things of God, said Joseph Smith, requires "time, and experience, and careful and ponderous and solemn thoughts." That the author has paid the price is evident. For example, of the plan of salvation he writes: "It does no violence even to our frail human logic to observe that there cannot be a grand plan of salvation for all mankind unless there is also a plan for each individual." This profound statement gives all of us cause to ponder. And there is much, much more. This book will be of immense value not only to the ordinary reader and in the home but also to teachers of priesthood, Relief Society, and auxiliary classes. It is indeed a gold mine of gospel nuggets that will greatly assist, comfort, and encourage the traveler along life's path.