The story of Miraculous and the Silver Man continues in this exciting sequel by Patricia A. Greenburgh.
David, the Silver Man, a part-time street entertainer in Bath, has qualified as a history teacher and now has a son named George. David continues his very strange friendship with General Augustus Miraculous, a reluctant ghost and former Roman warrior in Caesar's great army.
Maxim, Miraculous's former enemy from Rome, uses his magic to cause a trail of troubles and leaves destruction wherever he goes. When he and Miraculous visit Naples, Maxim begins to wonder what would happen if the volcano which devastated Pompeii thousands of years ago erupted once again…
Will Miraculous and David be able to stop him, or is it too late?
The story of Miraculous and the Silver Man continues in this exciting sequel by Patricia A. Greenburgh.
David, the Silver Man, a part-time street entertainer in Bath, has qualified as a history teacher and now has a son named George. David continues his very strange friendship with General Augustus Miraculous, a reluctant ghost and former Roman warrior in Caesar's great army.
Maxim, Miraculous's former enemy from Rome, uses his magic to cause a trail of troubles and leaves destruction wherever he goes. When he and Miraculous visit Naples, Maxim begins to wonder what would happen if the volcano which devastated Pompeii thousands of years ago erupted once again…
Will Miraculous and David be able to stop him, or is it too late?