After youve restored a hump-roofed, rump-sprung wreck of a Broken House, withstood the eccentricities of in-laws, willful kids, offbeat neighbors, obstinant hired hands, live-in ghost and established a craft shop, featuring Timothy, a wooden rocking horse with personality but who cant seem to hold onto his eyes and tailwhat do you do for an encore? Wright decided to write a book about her crazy experiences. Memoir by Nancy Means Wright; originally published by Down East Books
After youve restored a hump-roofed, rump-sprung wreck of a Broken House, withstood the eccentricities of in-laws, willful kids, offbeat neighbors, obstinant hired hands, live-in ghost and established a craft shop, featuring Timothy, a wooden rocking horse with personality but who cant seem to hold onto his eyes and tailwhat do you do for an encore? Wright decided to write a book about her crazy experiences. Memoir by Nancy Means Wright; originally published by Down East Books