Living vibrantly with peace of mind – this is the intention of the Buddhist practice at Jodo Shin Temple in Senkou-bou, Japan. Reiunken Shue Usami, 23rd spiritual head of Senkou-bou temple, and Osho Noriyuki Usami, 24th successor of Senkou-bou temple, have written this booklet to present the tradition and practice of Senkou-bou and essential Buddhist doctrines. “One of the best ways for common mortals like us to reach the deepest source of Buddhism and to live a happy life while solving the mystery of life and death is to wield the hidden weapon of the five formalities.” The Temple of Senkou-bou is a place of wholehearted Buddhist practice. There is a deeply felt desire that many people would follow a Buddhist way of life. That is what made this small book become reality.
Living vibrantly with peace of mind – this is the intention of the Buddhist practice at Jodo Shin Temple in Senkou-bou, Japan. Reiunken Shue Usami, 23rd spiritual head of Senkou-bou temple, and Osho Noriyuki Usami, 24th successor of Senkou-bou temple, have written this booklet to present the tradition and practice of Senkou-bou and essential Buddhist doctrines. “One of the best ways for common mortals like us to reach the deepest source of Buddhism and to live a happy life while solving the mystery of life and death is to wield the hidden weapon of the five formalities.” The Temple of Senkou-bou is a place of wholehearted Buddhist practice. There is a deeply felt desire that many people would follow a Buddhist way of life. That is what made this small book become reality.