An owl informs Màrs, a Gandalf sort of time-sorcerer, on an outrageously dangerous elf, Moyo. Moyo plans to travel back to the big bang, which will destroy not only the Earth, but the entire universe. Through the American mass spying system, the NSA, Màrs chooses to send Lite to her ancestor Roger in the aim of damaging Moyo’s Time Wheel which he needs for his return-to-the-big-bang plan. But after going to Roger’s time to prevent him from killing his school teacher, an unexpected relativist effect turns Lite into a baby. Shocked and surprised, Màrs finds no better solution than to place the one-year-old Lite with two horrible aunts, the Mauroux sisters. Her placement involves in fact a baby swap which Lite later investigates and whose story elements she manipulates to frame her aunts. By a strange but fair justice, the Mauroux sisters end up in jail.
An owl informs Màrs, a Gandalf sort of time-sorcerer, on an outrageously dangerous elf, Moyo. Moyo plans to travel back to the big bang, which will destroy not only the Earth, but the entire universe. Through the American mass spying system, the NSA, Màrs chooses to send Lite to her ancestor Roger in the aim of damaging Moyo’s Time Wheel which he needs for his return-to-the-big-bang plan. But after going to Roger’s time to prevent him from killing his school teacher, an unexpected relativist effect turns Lite into a baby. Shocked and surprised, Màrs finds no better solution than to place the one-year-old Lite with two horrible aunts, the Mauroux sisters. Her placement involves in fact a baby swap which Lite later investigates and whose story elements she manipulates to frame her aunts. By a strange but fair justice, the Mauroux sisters end up in jail.