Life Happens is a collection of short fiction written over the last twenty-five years, including the award winning Walking and Life, the Universe and Cancerous Things. Reach inside for stories of love, loss, heartbreak, regret, the vagaries of the weather and anarchy. How well do we know each other? Each story will leave you wondering about your own life and what lurks beneath the surface of other seemingly simple and smooth lives. Be assured: you never really know what happens in others’ homes, in others’ hearts and minds, especially those nearest to you.
Life Happens is a collection of short fiction written over the last twenty-five years, including the award winning Walking and Life, the Universe and Cancerous Things. Reach inside for stories of love, loss, heartbreak, regret, the vagaries of the weather and anarchy. How well do we know each other? Each story will leave you wondering about your own life and what lurks beneath the surface of other seemingly simple and smooth lives. Be assured: you never really know what happens in others’ homes, in others’ hearts and minds, especially those nearest to you.