"Kali Linux Network Scanning Cookbook" is intended for information security professionals and casual security enthusiasts alike. It will provide the foundational principles for the novice reader but will also introduce scripting techniques and in-depth analysis for the more advanced audience. Whether you are brand new to Kali Linux or a seasoned veteran, this book will aid in both understanding and ultimately mastering many of the most powerful and useful scanning techniques in the industry. It is assumed that the reader has some basic security testing experience.
"Kali Linux Network Scanning Cookbook" is intended for information security professionals and casual security enthusiasts alike. It will provide the foundational principles for the novice reader but will also introduce scripting techniques and in-depth analysis for the more advanced audience. Whether you are brand new to Kali Linux or a seasoned veteran, this book will aid in both understanding and ultimately mastering many of the most powerful and useful scanning techniques in the industry. It is assumed that the reader has some basic security testing experience.