In The Name Of The Father is the story of an unemployed Zimbabwean man named Promise Murewa. When he was apprehended at a roadblock outside Polokwane City, South Africa, he did not have a drivers' licence. He also did not have legal papers to be in the country. The police found that the car he was driving belonged to a Catholic priest called Father Dorota. Promise was arrested and, later information emerged that Father Dorota was murdered on the same night. So Promise became a suspect in the murder of the priest.
The story plays out in the courtroom as the events leading to the death of Father Dorota are revealed before Judge Mulder. While the state had been able to secure an attorney to defend Promise, a social group of Zimbabwean expatriates believes that there is more to the crime Promise is accused of committing than meet the eye. The group hires Solly, a private investigator, to find out what really took place.
And thus the audience gets transported back to the 60s and the 70s where they encounter the sordid life of the dead priest that had been kept under wraps. As the worms begin to crawl out of the woodwork, the audience, and the prosecution realise that Father Dorota was not a saint he was portrayed to be. For the fight for Promise's survival centres around the repugnant sexual abuses that he suffered at the hands of the man he is tried for killing. It is left to Judge Mulder to deliberate whether Promise is guilty of the crime or not.
But did Promise kill the priest?
In The Name Of The Father is the story of an unemployed Zimbabwean man named Promise Murewa. When he was apprehended at a roadblock outside Polokwane City, South Africa, he did not have a drivers' licence. He also did not have legal papers to be in the country. The police found that the car he was driving belonged to a Catholic priest called Father Dorota. Promise was arrested and, later information emerged that Father Dorota was murdered on the same night. So Promise became a suspect in the murder of the priest.
The story plays out in the courtroom as the events leading to the death of Father Dorota are revealed before Judge Mulder. While the state had been able to secure an attorney to defend Promise, a social group of Zimbabwean expatriates believes that there is more to the crime Promise is accused of committing than meet the eye. The group hires Solly, a private investigator, to find out what really took place.
And thus the audience gets transported back to the 60s and the 70s where they encounter the sordid life of the dead priest that had been kept under wraps. As the worms begin to crawl out of the woodwork, the audience, and the prosecution realise that Father Dorota was not a saint he was portrayed to be. For the fight for Promise's survival centres around the repugnant sexual abuses that he suffered at the hands of the man he is tried for killing. It is left to Judge Mulder to deliberate whether Promise is guilty of the crime or not.
But did Promise kill the priest?