I continually earn several hundreds of dollars per month, in residual income, from the InfoBarrel articles that I have written years ago. When I started on InfoBarrel, I was a lost cause. I was simply writing articles and expecting dollars to be deposited into my account. The truth of the matter is that I did start earning passive income from those articles, but not enough to brag about. I did some research, and finally began to apply what I had learned. Little did I know that a few months later I would be earning in excess of $100 per month in residual income from my InfoBarrel article collection. Add a few more years of article writing to the collection and I am at the $400+ per month level! This ebook goes into great detail about how you too can earn hundreds of dollars per month by writing articles for InfoBarrel. It tells you how your articles will earn residual income for you, how to write over 100 articles per month, and even how to drive traffic to those articles to increase their earnings.
I continually earn several hundreds of dollars per month, in residual income, from the InfoBarrel articles that I have written years ago. When I started on InfoBarrel, I was a lost cause. I was simply writing articles and expecting dollars to be deposited into my account. The truth of the matter is that I did start earning passive income from those articles, but not enough to brag about. I did some research, and finally began to apply what I had learned. Little did I know that a few months later I would be earning in excess of $100 per month in residual income from my InfoBarrel article collection. Add a few more years of article writing to the collection and I am at the $400+ per month level! This ebook goes into great detail about how you too can earn hundreds of dollars per month by writing articles for InfoBarrel. It tells you how your articles will earn residual income for you, how to write over 100 articles per month, and even how to drive traffic to those articles to increase their earnings.