The last stats I came across showed Christian divorces surpassed the national divorce average. What's up with that? So I got to thinking. Is it possible to save a marriage before it's to far gone? Seriously, no pipe dream questions here! And, no answers that only post doctorate people understand. Pure and simple, is it possible for a Jane and Joe Blow marriage that's on the rocks, to reform into an iron hard love connection? The gigantic answer was, ABSOLUTELY!!! Shoot, I did it with my second marriage! But, it helped to understand the dynamics of the male and female kinship. It also took a little---want to---on my part. But, I married this foxy lady because I fell in love with her! So,---want to---wasn't exactly the whole issue. Yes guys, this is where you 'Cowboy Up'! No, you're not going to beg your wife's forgiveness for any phantom female wrongs. Basically, God pulls your marriage together. You just be the vessel. Don't panic, it actually does work! Read the book and put it into practice. You'll probably find it's way cool! Matter of fact, you'll probably find it's way easy! But more than that, you'll likely see your wife responding right out of the get go. That's a sign your relationship is beginning to heal and or grow stronger."
The last stats I came across showed Christian divorces surpassed the national divorce average. What's up with that? So I got to thinking. Is it possible to save a marriage before it's to far gone? Seriously, no pipe dream questions here! And, no answers that only post doctorate people understand. Pure and simple, is it possible for a Jane and Joe Blow marriage that's on the rocks, to reform into an iron hard love connection? The gigantic answer was, ABSOLUTELY!!! Shoot, I did it with my second marriage! But, it helped to understand the dynamics of the male and female kinship. It also took a little---want to---on my part. But, I married this foxy lady because I fell in love with her! So,---want to---wasn't exactly the whole issue. Yes guys, this is where you 'Cowboy Up'! No, you're not going to beg your wife's forgiveness for any phantom female wrongs. Basically, God pulls your marriage together. You just be the vessel. Don't panic, it actually does work! Read the book and put it into practice. You'll probably find it's way cool! Matter of fact, you'll probably find it's way easy! But more than that, you'll likely see your wife responding right out of the get go. That's a sign your relationship is beginning to heal and or grow stronger."