In the honest and gripping narrative within "Growing a Rainbow," Lesley Donaldson-Reid recounts the perilous journey of Baby Torran, who arrived three months early and weighed less than a pair of running shoes. Witness through her eye as Baby Torran fights to for his first breath and against the staggering impacts of his premature birth. Lesley’s passionate words brings hope to parents of preemies as she raises awareness about this unexpected outcome of pregnancy. This must-read is a true love story for everyone who cherishes children.
In the honest and gripping narrative within "Growing a Rainbow," Lesley Donaldson-Reid recounts the perilous journey of Baby Torran, who arrived three months early and weighed less than a pair of running shoes. Witness through her eye as Baby Torran fights to for his first breath and against the staggering impacts of his premature birth. Lesley’s passionate words brings hope to parents of preemies as she raises awareness about this unexpected outcome of pregnancy. This must-read is a true love story for everyone who cherishes children.