In the years between 1890 and 1950, the city of Grand Rapids grew from a small Midwestern town of great potential into a large and important commercial and manufacturing center. With the growth of the city and its population came a large variety of activities, commercial and recreational, which were happily recorded in a huge array of postcards produced by both local and national printers. These cards and the moments they preserve provide a unique glimpse into the life and growth of Grand Rapids.
In the years between 1890 and 1950, the city of Grand Rapids grew from a small Midwestern town of great potential into a large and important commercial and manufacturing center. With the growth of the city and its population came a large variety of activities, commercial and recreational, which were happily recorded in a huge array of postcards produced by both local and national printers. These cards and the moments they preserve provide a unique glimpse into the life and growth of Grand Rapids.