With "Garima Madam - the prequel", Mike Watson returns to the story of “Garima Madam’s Bitch” and the hapless expat in India who has allowed himself to fall into marital male slavery at the hands and, especially, feet of the erotic and cruelly demanding “Garima Madam”. Only now, deep into his subcontinent servitude, is the expat allowed to tell the tale of how his once downtrodden and small-town wife became the formidable and sexy woman of today responsible for the life of married male slavery he now endures. A simple small-town woman who came to be known as “Garima Madam Ji”. STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT ADULT MATERIAL
With "Garima Madam - the prequel", Mike Watson returns to the story of “Garima Madam’s Bitch” and the hapless expat in India who has allowed himself to fall into marital male slavery at the hands and, especially, feet of the erotic and cruelly demanding “Garima Madam”. Only now, deep into his subcontinent servitude, is the expat allowed to tell the tale of how his once downtrodden and small-town wife became the formidable and sexy woman of today responsible for the life of married male slavery he now endures. A simple small-town woman who came to be known as “Garima Madam Ji”. STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT ADULT MATERIAL