A father and son join an interstellar reality show that has them traveling the universe in search of the perfect picture. Jack and his twelve-year-old son Tom explore the universe in the S.S Beatle on a mission to take pictures for the Galactic Alliance Media Enterprise (GAME) and the Interstellar Geographic Society(IGS). Their pictures have won them many awards back on Earth and have earned this father-son team an opportunity to participate on the ‘Galaxos’ reality show to compete against other interstellar photographers.
A father and son join an interstellar reality show that has them traveling the universe in search of the perfect picture. Jack and his twelve-year-old son Tom explore the universe in the S.S Beatle on a mission to take pictures for the Galactic Alliance Media Enterprise (GAME) and the Interstellar Geographic Society(IGS). Their pictures have won them many awards back on Earth and have earned this father-son team an opportunity to participate on the ‘Galaxos’ reality show to compete against other interstellar photographers.