Games have become popular tools to enhance learning in both educational and business environments. Analyzing the link between games and their results on students can help provide advances for learning initiatives in the future. Enhancing Education and Training Initiatives Through Serious Games is an essential reference source that examines the impact that games and simulations have within different learning environments. Featuring in-depth discussions on relevant topics including self-reporting surveys, project management techniques, academic training, and game design, this publication is an ideal resource for academicians, students, business owners, and professionals that are interested in discovering the advances of serious gaming techniques.
Games have become popular tools to enhance learning in both educational and business environments. Analyzing the link between games and their results on students can help provide advances for learning initiatives in the future. Enhancing Education and Training Initiatives Through Serious Games is an essential reference source that examines the impact that games and simulations have within different learning environments. Featuring in-depth discussions on relevant topics including self-reporting surveys, project management techniques, academic training, and game design, this publication is an ideal resource for academicians, students, business owners, and professionals that are interested in discovering the advances of serious gaming techniques.