No one knew who--or what--the strange being who called himself “X Man” truly was. He was found wandering the ruins of a crumbling Roman fort, dressed in a toga, speaking classical Latin--and clutching a handful of unearthly black seeds. Declared insane, the X Man patiently tended his weird plants until the day, impelled by a nameless terror, he fled Wyndmoor Asylum to unleash a cyclone of violence that was destined to suck the mighty Man of Bronze into the blackest, most unbelievable mystery of his entire career. For far from Scotland lay a domain of death unknown to the world and called by the ancient Latin name of Novum Eboracum--New York! From the wild Scottish moors to the unexplored heart of darkest Africa, Doc Savage and his indomitable men embarked upon a desperate quest for the Forgotten Realm….
No one knew who--or what--the strange being who called himself “X Man” truly was. He was found wandering the ruins of a crumbling Roman fort, dressed in a toga, speaking classical Latin--and clutching a handful of unearthly black seeds. Declared insane, the X Man patiently tended his weird plants until the day, impelled by a nameless terror, he fled Wyndmoor Asylum to unleash a cyclone of violence that was destined to suck the mighty Man of Bronze into the blackest, most unbelievable mystery of his entire career. For far from Scotland lay a domain of death unknown to the world and called by the ancient Latin name of Novum Eboracum--New York! From the wild Scottish moors to the unexplored heart of darkest Africa, Doc Savage and his indomitable men embarked upon a desperate quest for the Forgotten Realm….