Two human siblings, Alexis and Varren, sixteen and seventeen years old, live in a mythical land called Ithaca, where six groups dominate the world: elves, dwarves, gnomes, were-creatures, dragons, and humans. The siblings lead a normal life until it is revealed to them that a rebellion exists against the humans tyrannical ruler, the Queen, and they are handed a book that can transport anything through time, making it the most powerful object in Ithaca.----Alexis, Varren, and their grandfather Icarus must travel across the land to reach Karakorum, the rebels base, to deliver the Book of Time. Along the way, they meet allies and enemies, see things they would never have dreamed of, and experience love, anguish, exhilaration, wounds, and death.----The two are loyal, brave, determined, and smart, and Varren possesses a form of magic called Persuasion, while Alexis possesses something even more potent and mysterious. But when there seem to be no mysteries left, when they finally reach Karakorum, Alexis and Varren hear something that would have been better left buried . . .----Publishers website:
Two human siblings, Alexis and Varren, sixteen and seventeen years old, live in a mythical land called Ithaca, where six groups dominate the world: elves, dwarves, gnomes, were-creatures, dragons, and humans. The siblings lead a normal life until it is revealed to them that a rebellion exists against the humans tyrannical ruler, the Queen, and they are handed a book that can transport anything through time, making it the most powerful object in Ithaca.----Alexis, Varren, and their grandfather Icarus must travel across the land to reach Karakorum, the rebels base, to deliver the Book of Time. Along the way, they meet allies and enemies, see things they would never have dreamed of, and experience love, anguish, exhilaration, wounds, and death.----The two are loyal, brave, determined, and smart, and Varren possesses a form of magic called Persuasion, while Alexis possesses something even more potent and mysterious. But when there seem to be no mysteries left, when they finally reach Karakorum, Alexis and Varren hear something that would have been better left buried . . .----Publishers website: