A little boy named Anthony Michael Louis lives with his parents in the town of Dill, which is in the province of Pickle, where his father owns the zoo.---- Every year for his birthday, Anthony receives a different animal as a present. Anthony is turning two, and for this special birthday, he receives a cute but hyper puppy named Jasper. The puppy has a hard time falling asleep every night. Because of this, Anthony cannot sleep well either.---- Anthony soon has some very zany and wild dreams about Jasper. When he wakes up in the morning, he asks his parents if he can make all his dreams come true.---- Did I Really Dream Last Night? Book Two is a wonderfully creative and funny childrens bedtime story that urges kids to go after their dreams, no matter how big they might be.
A little boy named Anthony Michael Louis lives with his parents in the town of Dill, which is in the province of Pickle, where his father owns the zoo.---- Every year for his birthday, Anthony receives a different animal as a present. Anthony is turning two, and for this special birthday, he receives a cute but hyper puppy named Jasper. The puppy has a hard time falling asleep every night. Because of this, Anthony cannot sleep well either.---- Anthony soon has some very zany and wild dreams about Jasper. When he wakes up in the morning, he asks his parents if he can make all his dreams come true.---- Did I Really Dream Last Night? Book Two is a wonderfully creative and funny childrens bedtime story that urges kids to go after their dreams, no matter how big they might be.