The Paradox War’s knot in time tightens about Desi and her abductors. Lost in space and time, fighting a pitched battle against Garner and his machine-god ally, while Teucoi weaves his thread through their story. The intertwined stories and characters that began in An0ma1y continue to explore a universe perched on the brink of destruction. This is a story with UFOs, aliens, time-travel, magic, Dæmons, faeries, shape-shifters, werebears, dragons, nanotechnology, femtotechnology, black holes, weaponised Memes, alternate universes, fate, space-craft, artificial intelligences, cyberwraiths, mythology, Arthurian legend, and masses of mysteries…
The Paradox War’s knot in time tightens about Desi and her abductors. Lost in space and time, fighting a pitched battle against Garner and his machine-god ally, while Teucoi weaves his thread through their story. The intertwined stories and characters that began in An0ma1y continue to explore a universe perched on the brink of destruction. This is a story with UFOs, aliens, time-travel, magic, Dæmons, faeries, shape-shifters, werebears, dragons, nanotechnology, femtotechnology, black holes, weaponised Memes, alternate universes, fate, space-craft, artificial intelligences, cyberwraiths, mythology, Arthurian legend, and masses of mysteries…