In the crime-plagued Midwestern metropolis of Chagrin City, one man wages a lonely war against the bizarre criminals of the Forties and Fifties. The Kestrel, a brooding crime-fighter with a wounded past, faces foes as odd as the dapper Diamond Jim, the vicious Night Clown, the seductive Valentina, and the relentless Combination in his struggle against the dark side of human endeavor.
In the crime-plagued Midwestern metropolis of Chagrin City, one man wages a lonely war against the bizarre criminals of the Forties and Fifties. The Kestrel, a brooding crime-fighter with a wounded past, faces foes as odd as the dapper Diamond Jim, the vicious Night Clown, the seductive Valentina, and the relentless Combination in his struggle against the dark side of human endeavor.