Every generation shows up with a peculiar set of demands. The question is; will there be supply? The agents of supply in a generation are the custodians of the identity of that generation. All of creation is earnestly awaiting the emergence of the Sons of God. The process of going into business must start with a single step; to determine what God wants you to supply to your generation. You must first come to terms with the fact that your business idea is bigger than you or your bank account. God must be the primary strategic investor in your business and he does this by giving you 'Rhema'; his word. And so, you must see Rhema as Capital; God's injection into your business. God's investment secures his commitment to the prosperity of the business. The Rhema of God contains how the business will start and subsequently operate profitably. This means that inside the Rhema is the strategy for succeeding and for thriving in a difficult business terrain. This book is for entrepreneurs who want to do business God's way. The Speed of Rhema is the fastest way to achieve success without compromising your position as a representative of the Most High God.
Every generation shows up with a peculiar set of demands. The question is; will there be supply? The agents of supply in a generation are the custodians of the identity of that generation. All of creation is earnestly awaiting the emergence of the Sons of God. The process of going into business must start with a single step; to determine what God wants you to supply to your generation. You must first come to terms with the fact that your business idea is bigger than you or your bank account. God must be the primary strategic investor in your business and he does this by giving you 'Rhema'; his word. And so, you must see Rhema as Capital; God's injection into your business. God's investment secures his commitment to the prosperity of the business. The Rhema of God contains how the business will start and subsequently operate profitably. This means that inside the Rhema is the strategy for succeeding and for thriving in a difficult business terrain. This book is for entrepreneurs who want to do business God's way. The Speed of Rhema is the fastest way to achieve success without compromising your position as a representative of the Most High God.