Stock: 2588 books

Cover of Church, Capitalism, and Democracy in Post-Ecological Societies
by Cheng-tian Kuo
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2018

Most ecotheologies build their arguments on the Bible's creation-story and resurrection-narrative in the hope to save the ecology through spiritual meditation, reforming capitalism, and/or deliberative democracy. However, based on a Chinese Christian social scientist's perspective, this book argues...
Cover of Breaking and Entering

Breaking and Entering

Unexpected Sermons for an Unfinished World

by Elizabeth Goodman
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2016

When Elizabeth Goodman first arrived at the tiny congregation that would become her home as a pastor--a congregation of about seven people in a town of just under a thousand--the longest-standing member told her that though the congregation was small, her preaching need not be. In this collection...
Cover of Bringing Bernard Lonergan Down to Earth and into Our Hearts and Communities
by John Raymaker, Godefroid Alekiabo Mombula
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2018

Bernard Lonergan is a world-renowned philosopher, methodologist, and theologian. The complexity of his work has tended to limit his accessibility to average readers. Bringing Bernard Lonergan Down to Earth seeks to remedy this limitation by showing how Lonergan did address problems of community life....
Cover of Singing with Jesus

Singing with Jesus

The Lord’s Psalm

by Kurt C. Schaefer
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2018

We shouldn't be too surprised if Jesus, the Son of David, was also a song writer. The Lord's Prayer is a psalm, and reading the prayer as a psalm opens up its meaning. To read the Lord's Prayer as a psalm, you have to be able to read a psalm as a psalm. So this book is first of all an adventure in...
Cover of Husband, Wife, Father, Child, Master, Slave
by Kurt C. Schaefer
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2018

When the New Testament speaks of slaves and masters, is it affirming an institution that we find reprehensible? Biblical scholars across the theological and political spectrum generally conclude that the answer is "yes." And in the same passages the Bible seems to affirm male dominance in...
Cover of The Certainty of Uncertainty

The Certainty of Uncertainty

The Way of Inescapable Doubt and Its Virtue

by Mark Schaefer
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2018

The world is full of people who are very certain--in politics, in religion, in all manner of things. In addition, political, religious, and social organizations are marketing certainty as a cure all to all life's problems. But is such certainty possible? Or even good? The Certainty of Uncertainty...
Cover of Ready to Lead

Ready to Lead

Harnessing the Energy in You and around You

by Beverly A. Thompson, George B. Thompson
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2015

What makes the difference between those who aspire to lead and those who actually do it? What does anyone need to know about themselves and others, in order to be ready to lead? How might society benefit from persons who give time and energy to learn the skills of leadership readiness? This book offers...
Cover of La mort de l'amie
by Hubert Prolongeau
Language: French
Release Date: February 9, 2005

Ils s’étaient côtoyés en classe, mais ne s’aimaient pas. Se méprisaient même. Ils se retrouvent vingt ans plus tard lors d’un dîner officiel. Qu’échanger sinon des banalités ? Pourtant, l’un, A., ressent le besoin de se confier à l’autre qui fut le témoin de sa jeunesse. Au cœur...
Cover of Médecine dure : l'hôpital en question
by Marie-Claire Célérier
Language: French
Release Date: December 31, 1984

Chef de clinique assistant, neuro-psychiatre et psychanalyste, l'auteur dénonce l'univers de l'hôpital. Premier constat : la médecine qu'on y pratique est une médecine dure. On soigne les corps sans s'occuper des âmes : Gisèle, qu'on traite pour une hépatite alcoolique, sans se soucier des...
Cover of Un continent se meurt : la tragédie du sida en Afrique
by Monique Gehler
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 2000

Il est des villes d'Afrique où une personne sur quatre est porteuse du virus du sida. Injustice de la latitude, les Africains n'ont pas accès aux traitements chers et sophistiqués dont bénéficient les pays développés. La maladie se déploie, soufflant la peur, isolant les malades, touchant...
Cover of Bruno, mon fils

Bruno, mon fils

Une mère et les médecins

by Janie Maurice
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1975

Une mère voit son fils de cinq ans mourir de leucémie dans un hôpital de province. Elle partage sa chambre d'hôpital, privilège qu'elle a obtenu non sans peine. Ce pourrait être simplement un récit poignant, c'est un acte d'accusation contre le système hospitalier, contre l'inhumanité qui...
Cover of Joseph Smith’s Tritheism

Joseph Smith’s Tritheism

The Prophet’s Theology in Historical Context, Critiqued from a Nicene Perspective

by Dayton Hartman
Language: English
Release Date: January 24, 2014

I have always declared God to be a distinct personage, Jesus Christ a separate and distinct personage from God the Father, and that the Holy Ghost was a distinct personage and a Spirit: and these three constitute three distinct personages and three Gods. --Joseph Smith Few figures in North American...
Cover of The Passion of the Servant

The Passion of the Servant

A Journey to the Cross

by Don N. Howell
Language: English
Release Date: January 26, 2009

The New Testament opens with four Gospel accounts that introduce the reader to Jesus Christ. From the very beginning, the redemptive drama moves toward the cross. The final week of Jesus's life, Passion Week, takes up nearly 40 percent of the entire narrative. The canonical Gospels provide four different...
Cover of Ça peut toujours servir
by Guillemette Faure
Language: French
Release Date: April 11, 2018

On a tous des vieux tee-shirts au fond de nos placards, au cas où il faudrait refaire les peintures. On a aussi des tas d’échantillons de produits de beauté, des boîtes de boutons dépareillés qu’on ne recoudra jamais et évidemment un tiroir d’anciens chargeurs pour des appareils qui ne fonctionnent...
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