Penguin Random House South Africa: 694 books

Cover of Mister Sengi's Very Big Friend
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2013

This heart-warming bedtime story about an elephant-shrew, Mister Sengi, and his quest for greater stature, takes children on a magical moonlight tour through the bushveld. Encounters with animals both helpful and menacing carry the reader on to the fairy-tale ending, which sees Mister Sengi safely...
Cover of Curly the Chameleon
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2013

A delightful, captivating story about the adventures of a garden chameleon, told in rhyming verse. Comes with a full page of stickers to encourage further engagement with the story. The drawings are by Claire Norden who has a proven track record in illustrating children's books. Her bright, evocative,...
Cover of Ek Wonder Wie?
by Kerryn Ponter
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: July 1, 2017

Ons weet almal hoe nuuskierig jong kinders is, veral oor die wêreld rondom hulle, en die konstante vloed vrae wat hulle vra. Ek Wonder Wie? beantwoord 'n paar van die dinge waaroor kinders gewoonlik wonder wanneer hulle diertjies in die tuin, park of veld opmerk. Die boek is ontwerp sodat dit 'n...
Cover of My first book of Southern African Mammals
by Peter Apps
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2012

Mammals come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes, from tiny bats and mice to massive elephants and whales. This first book of mammals introduces a cross-section of often-seen mammals, as well as some of those that are less commonly found. A total of 58 species is presented in full-colour illustrations....
Cover of The Cape Malay Illustrated Cookbook
by Faldela Williams
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2012

The Cape Malay Illustrated Cookbook is a compilation of recipes for authentic Malay Food. Faldela Williams shares her intimate knowledge of the Malay cooking tradition with simple, easy-to-follow recipes for many well-known dishes, such as denningvleis, koesisters, sosaties, bobotie, smoorsnoek and...
Cover of The Best Pocket Guide Ever for Minimising Insurance
by Jillian Howard
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2014

Would you like to pay less for your insurance premiums but still access some decent cover? Or discover just when you should have insurance and when it’s not really necessary? Then this is the book for you … No one likes to pay for insurance, and when money is tight, many people opt to live without...
Cover of Become Your Own Financial Advisor

Become Your Own Financial Advisor

The real secrets to becoming financially independent

by Warren Ingram
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2019

New, updated edition of this bestseller! How can you become financially secure with the resources at your disposal? What is the safest way to invest and accumulate money? And why is it never too late to start planning your financial well-being? In this new, updated edition of the bestselling Become...
Cover of Laaste dans, Drienie
by Steve Hofmeyr
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: March 5, 2014

Toe Oscar Pistorius blosend in die gange van die Brooklyn-polisiestasie by luitenant Muller Joubert verbyloop, was Muller seker dat daar in jare nie so ʼn bisarre saak was nie en daar nie gou weer so een sou wees nie. Hy was verkeerd. Daar was reeds. En hy was in die middel daarvan. In die omgewing...
Cover of Dieners en donners
by Mike Nicol
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: August 1, 2013

FISH PESCADO is op sy branderplank. Hy’s lenig en blond – nie jou gewone privaatspeurder nie. Muizenberg se golwe is sy paradys, maar hy sit sonder werk en sy bankbalans sak. ‘Hei, Fish! ’n Oulike chickie soek na jou,’ beduie ’n mede-surfer. Die oulike chickie is Vicki Kahn – snags speel...
Cover of Valsrivier
by Dominique Botha
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: August 8, 2013

“Jy is te naby aan die water,” fluister Paul. “Babers slaap in die modder. Hulle sal wakker word as jy op hulle trap.” Paul en Dominique se sorgelose kinderdae op ’n Vrystaatse plaas is vir ewig verby wanneer hul ouers se linkse politiek die skoollewe op die dorp ontmoontlik maak. Hulle...
Cover of Steve Hofmeyr 50
by Steve Hofmeyr
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: November 13, 2014

Steve Hofmeyr is een van Suid-Afrika se suksesvolste musikante en gewildste akteurs, met ’n geweldige aantal toegewyde bewonderaars. Die boek bevat foto’s uit Steve se jong dae en sy deurbraak-jare in die musiekbedryf. Dit dek sy loopbaan in TV, rolprente en musiekblyspele, met inbegrip van Agter...
Cover of Hidden Cape Town
by Paul Duncan
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2013

A unique look ‘inside’ 30 of Cape Town’s most notable buildings. If you have ever wondered what lies behind an interesting façade, or wished you could peek behind a closed door, Hidden Cape Town is the book for you. The author and photographer have collaborated to reveal the architectural secrets...
Cover of Birds of the Indian Ocean Islands
by Ian Sinclair
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2013

Birds of the Indian Ocean Islands is a comprehensive guide to the bird life of Madagascar, the Seychelles, the Comoros, and the Mascarenes – an area that boasts high levels of endemism. This new, expanded edition is fully updated to reflect taxonomic changes, and now describes and illustrates 502...
Cover of Pocket Guide to Birds of Namibia
by Ian Sinclair
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2017

This compact, easy-to-use guide features more than 350 of the most conspicuous and commonly seen birds in Namibia. It offers: concise identification text, full-colour photographs of all species covered, up-to-date distribution maps, an informative introduction featuring the ‘specials’ of the key...
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