Penguin Random House South Africa: 694 books

Cover of Business-to-Business Marketing

Business-to-Business Marketing

A step-by-step guide

by Mark Eardley
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2016

The way businesses buy from one another has changed profoundly in recent years. Markets have evolved, disruptive technologies have sprung up and buyers’ expectations have changed. But despite this, the fundamentals of business-to-business marketing have remained constant: today’s corporate decision-makers...
Cover of The Making of Spud the Movie

The Making of Spud the Movie

And How A Wickedly Splendid Plan Came Together

by John van de Ruit
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2012

10 of several other brilliant things you'll never know about Spud The Movie unless you read this book: 1. That John van de Ruit has a small cameo in the movie, for which he had to cultivate an authentic '90s look; 2. What unusual skill John Cleese and his chaperon on the movie set had in common; 3....
Cover of Vrae en feite vir nuuskierige agies

Vrae en feite vir nuuskierige agies

Vir kinders van alle ouderdomme

by Adinda Vermaak
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: October 1, 2017

Is jy ’n nuuskierige agie wat wil weet ... ... waar sjokolade vandaan kom? Of wat die ergste epidemies is wat die wêreld nog getref het? Dalk wil jy weet waarom ons elke jaar op 5 November Guy Fawkes vier, of waarom Afrika as ’n unieke kontinent beskou kan word. Of jy wil weet watter produkte...
Cover of Youth Revolution

Youth Revolution


by Kiara Nirghin
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2019

Youth Revolution is the inspirational story of how Kiara Nirghin, a sixteen-year-old high-school student from Johannesburg, overcame severe health obstacles to win the grand prize at the 2016 International Google Science Fair for her unique and innovative solution to worldwide drought. Having experienced...
Cover of Teko Modise - Discover what is within you
by Jay Heale
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2012

Benni loves football and dreams of playing for his school side. When he finds out that the great Teko Modise, one of his favourite players, used to play on the same field as his school's team, he starts to find out more about the life of one of Bafana Bafana's best players.
Cover of Glenn Agliotti

Glenn Agliotti

A biography

by Peter Piegl
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2013

The press called him a drug trafficker and a drug dealer. He was. He'd admitted to these crimes and signed a plea bargain to grass on an associate. He was also known as the Landlord, which made him sound like a mafia boss. He was too a facilitator between those in high places, think Jackie Selebi,...
Cover of A Thousand Tales of Johannesburg
by Harry Kalmer
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2017

A Thousand Tales of Johannesburg is Harry Kalmer’s spellbinding ode to Johannesburg and its people. This is the story of Sara, who poses stiffly for a photo with her four children at Turffontein concentration camp in 1901, and of Abraham, who paints the street names on Johannesburg’s kerbs. It...
Cover of The Whipping Boy
by Ben Trovato
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2012

Between these covers you have the best of Ben Trovato's popular satirical columns, letters and assorted rants from the Sunday Times since 2008. After thousands of hours of close reading and heated debate, we've compiled the funniest and cleverest material for maximum levels of enjoyment and entertainment....
Cover of Smacked


A Harrowing True Story of Addiction and Survival

by Melinda Ferguson
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Smacked is the powerful, uncompromising story of one woman's downward spiral into addiction. Hooked on heroin and crack cocaine, Melinda Ferguson gave up everything she cared about - her children, her marriage, her career - in pursuit of the next fix, the next high. Bold, raw and unashamedly honest,...
Cover of Lugkasteel
by Annelie Botes
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: November 1, 2016

In Sabbatsreis vertel Annelie Botes hoe sy in 2004 blindelings op ’n vliegtuig geklim het om in Engeland ’n ouma te gaan soek wat sy kon oppas. Om haar skuld te betaal. Vir ’n hellejaar vol hemelsheid word sy Granny se hoeder. Maar genoeg is selde genoeg. Kwalik ses maande nadat sy teruggekom...
Cover of Moordvis
by Irna van Zyl
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: July 1, 2016

’n Grieselige gesig begroet speuradjudant Storm van der Merwe en haar hond op Grootbaai se strand: die lyk van ’n jong joernalis – sonder haar arm. Vir dié kusdorpie se inwoners is dit slegte nuus; lyke wat rondlê kan die haaiduikbedryf waarvoor Grootbaai beroemd is, erge skade berokken. Storm...
Cover of Goeiemore, mnr Mandela
by Zelda la Grange
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: June 19, 2014

Zelda la Grange het grootgeword as ’n ondersteuner van die reëls wat wit en swart skei. En tog sou sy Nelson Mandela se naaste vertroueling word, en liefde en respek ontwikkel vir hierdie man wat aan haar as ’n vyand voorgehou is. Goeiemôre, mnr Mandela vertel die uitsonderlike verhaal van hoe...
Cover of Tuisland
by Karin Brynard
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: June 1, 2016

Kaptein Albertus Beeslaar het genoeg gehad van die platteland. Hy het pas sy bedanking ingedien, maar word vir een laaste sending die Kalahari in gestuur. Die dood van ’n San-leier en klagtes van polisiegeweld word sy missie. Op die rand van die Kgalagadi-oorgrenspark, waar die laaste afstammelinge...
Cover of Die Uitgespoeldes
by Dalene Matthee
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: October 2, 2012

Moses Swart, skaapwagter van die Bredasdorpse Strandveld, voel sy hele lewe lank nog dat hy nie hoort in hierdie land van see- en veldmense nie. Hy is 'n uitgespoelde, maar waar kom dié knaende gevoel van 'n ander identiteit vandaan? Totdat hy Lord en Lady van Springfield ontmoet en dadelik besef:...
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