Maria Pellegrini: 14 books

Cover of Zetana The Disconnected
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2012

The Universal Connection was the way in which knowledge flowed around the Mother Galaxy. It was a plasma that permeated everything. It gave and received knowledge almost unconsciously. Unfortunately the Connection within the planet Cloudio had been subverted by its governors who used it as a means...
Cover of Borrowed Brains
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2012

A group of scientists managed to build the first working model of organic mental teleportation, the HASAMAT (Hyper-Spatial Mind Transporter), the racing car to run the roads of the Universe. Volunteers are needed to test the invention. Until that time there had been gimcrack prototypes which only...
Cover of Planets Under Glass
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2012

Meba was a rather graceful humanoid, always in a good mood and very proud of his important profession and his powerful motormembrane which took him fluttering off to work each morning... he had nothing less than a Nebula550! He lived in a luxurious apartment among all the comforts and entertainments...
Cover of Tuméng
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2013

Finally following the theme which looks forward to the triumph of open minded and altruistic attitudes over their opposites, this last tale uses the allusion of open source vs proprietary software as a vehicle to explore some of the great failings and deep contradictions of human society. On the one...
Cover of Tales from the Mother Galaxy
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2013

Five long trips in a mysterious and unusual part of the universe. There you will become acquainted with belligerent plutonidians, indomitable rebels fighting against mind control occult power, and lastly brain merchants. Also along the way you will also meet weird engineered creatures playing an unwitting...
Cover of Real Virtualities
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2011

The fury of the “dark tides”, a kind of powerful cosmic event, had destroyed all who had remained on the surface of planet Earth. Arachnids, groups of techno-rebels, escaped the catastrophe underground. Over the centuries they developed powerful hypersenses and evolved into new beings. This is...
Cover of The War of the Plutonidians
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2012

The Plutonidians were a really curious species. They came from nomadic intergalactic populations settling uninhabited new planets, rather than living together with different species in the most attractive and famous worlds of which there were so many within the Mother Galaxy.A new world was discovered...
Cover of La Guerra Dei Plutonidei
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 8, 2012

I Plutonidei erano una specie veramente curiosa.  Provenivano da popolazioni nomadi intergalattiche e avevano da tempo preso l’abitudine di stabilirsi in pianeti nuovi inabitati anziché vivere insieme a specie diverse nei più attraenti e famosi mondi della Galassia Madre.  Un giorno un piccolo...
Cover of Pianeti Sotto Vetro
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 24, 2012

Di una specie diversa da quella che governa il suo pianeta d’origine, Meba è un grazioso umanoide, sempre di buonumore e molto orgoglioso della sua importante professione e della sua potente motomembrana che ogni mattina lo porta svolazzante al suo posto di lavoro... Meba possiede addirittura una...
Cover of Cervelli Prestati
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 2, 2012

Un gruppo di scienziati è riuscito a costruire il primo modello funzionale di teletrasporto mentale organico, il cosciensificatore, la macchina da corsa per le strade dell’Universo.  Si cercano volontari per collaudare l’invenzione.  Fino ad allora erano disponibili soltanto prototipi dozzinali...
Cover of Tuméng
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 3, 2013

La storia del capitano Tuméng utilizza l'allusione di open source contro il software proprietario quale veicolo per esplorare il delicato tema dell’intelligenza artificiale.  Da una parte abbiamo Tuméng, un Ricostruito, un'intelligenza artificiale che ci parla delle difficoltà che quelli come...
Cover of Zetana La Disconnessa
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 2, 2011

La Connessione Universale era il modo in cui la conoscenza fluiva attorno ai corpi celesti della Galassia Madre.  Era un plasma che permeava il tutto, che dava e riceveva il sapere quasi inconsapevolmente.  Ambientata nel classico incubo di un futuro dominato dall'assoluto controllo mentale, la...
Cover of Racconti Dalla Galassia Madre
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 31, 2013

Un grande guerra apre gli scenari surreali della Galassia Madre. Ma cos'è che controlla realmente i meccanismi dell'Universo? Come mai Zetana fa tante domande strane e non si 'connette' come tutti gli altri? UIGO, il reporter intergalattico che va alla ricerca di realtà, scopre la storia suprema...
Cover of Virtualità Reali
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 6, 2011

Le furie delle "maree nere", una sorta di potenti eventi cosmici, hanno distrutto la vita sulla superficie del pianeta Terra. Gli Aracnidi, gruppi di tecno-ribelli, riescono a mettersi in salvo. Con il passare dei secoli sviluppano potenti ipersensi e si evolvono in esseri umani nuovi. È...
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