Kobo: 611 books

Cover of Solo tu
by Valentina Impellizzeri
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 5, 2015

Due universitari, lei italiana, lui spagnolo in Italia grazie al progetto Erasmus, s'incontrano e s'innamorano sullo sfondo della Catania di fine anni Novanta. Amore, intrighi e romanticismo allo stato puro. Un romanzo che vi terrà col fiato sospeso fino all'ultima pagina, consigliato ai veri romantici  
Cover of Il tempo dell'amore
by Valentina Impellizzeri
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 5, 2015

Autrice di una rubrica di consigli per una rivista online, Rachele passa le sue giornate a lavorare e si concede pochissime distrazioni. Dopo una partecipazione a un programma radiofonico, conosce Alberto davanti alla sede della radio e, con il passare del tempo, si innamora di lui. Ma Alberto nasconde un segreto che Rachele non può certo immaginare....
Cover of Attrice a ore
by Valentina Impellizzeri
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 5, 2015

Emma lavora come stagista in un'agenzia di viaggi ma non è soddisfatta del suo lavoro. Un giorno Carlo viene per prenotare un viaggio nella sua agenzia e le propone di accompagnarlo. Dopo qualche titubanza, accetta la sua proposta e, poiché la vacanza sembra essere un successo, comincia a chiedersi se forse è il caso di farlo per mestiere...
Cover of Les aphrodisiaques

Les aphrodisiaques

Mythes et réalités

by Eva Kalyn
Language: French
Release Date: October 15, 2015

La performance sexuelle est depuis la nuit des temps une constante dans la recherche du toujours plus des hommes et des femmes. L'homme et la femme n'ont pas la même démarche, chez l'homme, c'est la recherche d'une meilleure érection et d'une plus grande endurance qui font l'objet de toutes ses...
Cover of The Captain of The Second Guard
by Ariel Rosetti
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2017

Captain James Vallardee is a sanctioned torturer and executioner who swore life-long fealty to Queen Juliet, after becoming, "TheCaptain of The Second Guard " Also, he has been duly awarded numerous medals of honor and others for bravery and outstanding service to the Kingdom. Now immediately recognized...
Cover of Winter comes to Dorset
by Ian Satchwell
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2019

Within the first pages, a shocking murder disrupts the life of a normally sleepy village in rolling countryside of Dorset. But all is not as it might seem at first. Even Dorset has a seamy side, and the reader will have their eyes opened, as events unfurl and the police set about solving a whole sequence...
Cover of Se Acabo La Fiesta
by David J Cooper
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 19, 2013

¿Qué harías si descubrieras que eres VIH positivo? ¿Le dirías a tu familia o amigos cercanos o te lo guardarías para ti? En 2007, David conoció a Bruno, un stripper masculino. Se hicieron amigos cercanos. David descubrió que Bruno es un drogadicto y es VIH positivo. Ya perdió a un amigo cercano...
Cover of The Captain Book 2

The Captain Book 2

Blood Rage

by Ariel Rosetti
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2017

Christopher has forged a trusting relationship with Doctor. Reginald Rennselaer, who cared for the injuries he received in prison many months ago. The doctor is a close, trusted friend of the Captain of the Second Guard the prison torturer. However, the doctor is aware that Christopher's first...
Cover of Perfide jalousie
by Charlotte Chevalier
Language: French
Release Date: May 30, 2018

Hervé s'affaire aux préparatifs du mariage de Louise, son ex-femme. Mais rien ne va se dérouler comme prévu. Le marié va disparaître avant d'être retrouvé mort par Hervé. Le pire est à venir. L'ancienne alliance d'Hervé est enfoncée dans sa bouche. De soupçons en enquête improvisée, Hervé mettra tout en œuvre pour faire éclater la vérité quelqu'elle soit.
Cover of みちしるべ セレクションⅠ
by 早瀬 岳
Language: Japanese
Release Date: May 10, 2019



ou comment faire un voyage astral

by Yoan Mryo
Language: French
Release Date: February 6, 2018

La glisse, les voyages astraux sont tellement connus et pratiqués depuis des éons que trop souvent, nous sommes déçus du peu de résultats concrets par rapport aux efforts fournis personnels, surtout à notre époque où l’information est transmise à grande vitesse. Facile aussi de se perdre...
Cover of Tristram Shandy

Tristram Shandy

The Life and Opinion of Tristam Shandy

by Laurence Sterne
Language: French
Release Date: March 10, 2019

At once endlessly facetious and highly serious, Sterne’s great comic novel contains some of the best-known and best-loved characters in English literature–including Uncle Toby, Corporal Trim, Parson Yorick, and Dr. Slop–and boasts one of the most innovative and whimsical narrative styles in all literature.
Cover of Toi... Apprends Moi

Toi... Apprends Moi

de la Nuit de la romance 2017

by Naella
Language: French
Release Date: March 6, 2017

Lauralee étudiante ambietieuse de 19 ans, essaie de jongler entre ses études et Enzo son petit ami de 24 ans. Elle sait ce qu'elle veut dans sa vie professionelle mais aussi privée. Malheureusement elle n'avait pas prévu l'arrivée de Jade dans son existence. Toutes ses certidudes vont-elles voler en éclats ou restera t-elle sur le même chemin?
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 20, 2015

L'Esicasmo, l'antica disciplina di meditazione cristiana-orientale, finalmente resa accessibile a tutti  
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