Kobo: 611 books

by James Newell
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2018

From the sinking of HMS Hood and the Bismarck in WW 2 and the coronation of Elizabeth II through the turbulent Sixties and across the different decades right up to our own, here is a public and private story, a poignant tale of personal and social disenchantment.
Cover of He is Having A Baby
by Brian Byrne
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2012

Imagine this.. You’re getting married in a weeks’ time. The church is booked and the arrangements are made… the wedding dress is bought but there is ONE major setback. Your pregnancy symptoms are beginning to show... you have morning sickness, stretch marks, food cravings...
Cover of Des vipères dans le jardin d'Éden
by Charlotte chevalier
Language: French
Release Date: March 2, 2018

Des vipères dans le jardin d'Éden : Charlotte chevalier Marc, un jeune trentenaire ambitieux créé de toute pièce un primeur à partir de rien. Il est soutenu dans son projet par sa mère, qui les a élevé seule lui, son frère Rodolphe et sa sœur, Rose. Contraint de trouver un travail...
Cover of 2 Short Stories

2 Short Stories

A Good Collection

by Nauman Ashraf
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2017

1 Smith and Thomas were friends. They studies together and gave their exams and were waiting for results. They were free so they decided to go to a high hill. They decided to go to the high hill on their mountain bikes as there were paths in the hill and some places were without paths where...
Cover of Rêve en conscience
by Yoan Mryo
Language: French
Release Date: February 6, 2018

Le rêve intrigue, il inquiète, il fascine… Tout le monde a déjà ressenti cette sensation bizarre. Une personne est en train de rêver et, chose étrange, elle le sait. Elle a pleinement conscience d'être dans un rêve, mais cela ne l'empêche pas de le poursuivre et de le vivre, parfois encore...
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 19, 2015

Il metodo Shakespeare non è uno di quei tanti metodi che ci sono in circolazione e che promettono cambiamenti favorevoli in poco tempo. Il metodo Shakespeare si basa sui suoi personaggi, sui loro pensieri e sui loro comportamenti. E’ qualcosa di sperimentato, di concreto, di moderno. Non ci sono...
Cover of Josh a Pink Plastic Teapot and Graham the Gnome
by Peter Yates
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2014

Two pixies, Holly and Ivy are found hiding in a pink plastic teapot by Hayley, Josh's sister, they are hiding from Graham the gnome who has captured all the other pixies and elves  to work down the sequin mine. Josh and Hayley are enlisted by Tinsel and Glitter to help free the elves and pixies...
Cover of Josh and the Snow Domes of Doubt
by Peter Yates
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2014

This is the third and final story in the Josh and the Snow Domes trilogy. Once again Josh and his sister Hayley are destined to save Christmas-land from the clutches of Mr Bigwig and his Auntie Muriel who intend to demolish Christmas-land and build the biggest shopping and leisue complex in the world....
Cover of Josh, the gremlins and a space rocket (in the pretty big shed)
by Peter Yates
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2015

Yet again Obediah Bigwig tries to get rid of Santa Claus, this time he builds a brand new twenty first century Christmas-land on the moon intending for himself to be the new twenty first century Santa Claus replacing - in his words - the boring old Christmas-land and that mouldy oldie (Santa...
Cover of Inkjet Printing Technology for Manufacturing the Flexible Printed Circuit Board (FPCB)
by Kung Linliu
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2018

Author, Kung Linliu, Ph. D. Continuous innovation and hard working to grab the market and success! The “winner-take-almost-all effect” in the extremistan, and “in extremistan, inequalities are such that one single observation can disproportionately impact the aggregate, or the...
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 31, 2016

Un uomo entra in una chiesa. Cerca Dio e la fede. Viene però subito preso per pazzo. Eppure…. Opera teatrale in due atti
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 21, 2015

I Rapporti tra religione e sessualità in un libro che finalmente mette a nudo ogni lato nascosto delle confessioni religiose presenti nel mondo
Cover of Créez votre site ou blog avec WordPress

Créez votre site ou blog avec WordPress

Les outils essentiels pour la création de sites ou blogs dynamiques

by Enji J. Ernest
Language: French
Release Date: December 14, 2016

"Créez votre site ou blog avec WordPress" a pour objectif principal de vous accompagner dans la prise en main rapide et efficace de WordPress. Plutôt que de proposer du contenu dense et exhaustif sur tous les aspects du célèbre CMS, ce guide va directement à l'essentiel dans son propos,...
Cover of Ritmo latino
by Valentina Impellizzeri
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 18, 2015

Simona non è una patita delle palestre e passa tutte le sue giornate tra lavoro e casa, anche se non ne è entusiasta . Quando la sua amica Erika le propone di frequentare un corso di balli caraibici insieme a lei, accetta con riluttanza la sua proposta, ma ben presto quel corso diventerà qualcosa di più di un semplice passatempo...
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