Books On Demand: 13195 books

Cover of The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck
by Mary Shelley
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2019

After a long series of civil dissension--after many battles, whose issue involved the fate of thousands--after the destruction of nearly all the English nobility in the contest between the two Roses, the decisive battle of Bosworth Field was fought on the 22d of August, 1415, whose result was to entwine,...
Cover of Buried Cities
by Jennie Hall
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2019

Do you like to dig for hidden treasure? Have you ever found Indian arrowheads or Indian pottery? I knew a boy who was digging a cave in a sandy place, and he found an Indian grave. With his own hands he uncovered the bones and skull of some brave warrior. That brown skull was more precious to him...
Cover of Wake up, we're here
by Ann Malone
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2012

During the Iraq war I realized that all the nations of the earth were living in the apartment complex with us here and we get on well. We have our differences and so it should be but we live together and there are no small wars. We all talk a lot together and are constantly surprised by our similarities....
Cover of When Mike's Mom Died
by Mai Louise Falsig
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2014

Although this book deals with the story of Mike's mother dying of breast cancer it is still a life-affirming story, in which you will follow her mother's illness and death from a child's point of view. Although what we are most sure of in life is death, many adults find it difficult to relate to death...
Cover of WW2 Memoirs

WW2 Memoirs

The adventurous life of Peter Hammond, Part 1: 1923 - 1946

by Peter Hammond
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2018

In Part 1 of his memoires Peter Hammond describes the growing pre-WW2 tension in day to day life in England, his time in London as a fire-watcher during the German bombing raids, his adventures as a "head-ache" operator listening to enemy communications in the Royal Navy and being stationed...
Cover of Legends of Charlemagne
by Thomas Bulfinch
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2018

If no other knowledge deserves to be called useful but that which helps to enlarge our possessions or to raise our station in society, then Mythology has no claim to the appellation. But if that which tends to make us happier and better can be called useful, then we claim that epithet for our subject....
Cover of Old Europe's Suicide
by Christopher Birdwood Thomson
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2018

This book is a retrospect covering the period 1912-1919. It begins with the first Balkan War, and ends with the Peace Conference at Paris. Many of the events described have been dealt with by other writers, and the only justification for adding one more volume to an already well-stocked library, is...
Cover of Die Kameliendame

Die Kameliendame

Vollständige deutsche Ausgabe

by Alexandre Dumas d. J.
Language: German
Release Date: September 12, 2018

Armand Duval ist der Sohn einer reichen Pariser Familie. Er verliebt sich in die edle Kurtisane Marguerite Gautier. Armand zuliebe verlässt Marguerite ihr bisheriges Milieu und zieht mit Armand zusammen. Doch Armands Vater sieht ihn Marguerites Anwesenheit eine Gefahr für den guten Ruf Armands und...
Cover of Eskimo Life
by Fridtjof Nansen
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2018

For one whole winter we were cut off from the world and immured among the Greenlanders. I dwelt in their huts, took part in their hunting, and tried, as well as I could, to live their life and learn their language. But one winter, unfortunately, is far too short a time in which to attain a thorough...
Cover of La Princesse de Clèves
by Madame de Lafayette
Language: French
Release Date: July 10, 2018

À la cour du roi Henri II, la princesse de Clèves, jeune mariée, craint d'aimer le duc de Nemours dont elle est aimée. Cruellement déchirée entre son désir et son devoir, elle avoue ses sentiments à son époux, qu'elle met au désespoir. Le prince meurt bientôt, rongé par le chagrin. Mme...
Cover of Petit Dictionnaire de Cuisine

Petit Dictionnaire de Cuisine

Voyage à travers les trésors de la gastronomie française

by Alexandre Dumas
Language: French
Release Date: May 21, 2019

Le Grand Dictionnaire de Cuisine est un monumental hommage littéraire dédié à la gastronomie française, et le dernier ouvrage de Dumas, rédigé en Bretagne où Alexandre Dumas vivait retiré depuis quelques années. Alexandre Dumas était réputé auprès de son entourage pour son gigantesque...
Cover of Le Calvaire
by Octave Mirbeau
Language: French
Release Date: August 22, 2018

L'enfance de Jean-François Marie Mintié fut morose, auprès d'un père falot et d'une mère névrosée qui meurt prématurément. Plus tard, Paris le déçoit, ville malsaine où les femmes le dégoûtent. Il s'engage alors dans l'armée. Là, il découvre un monde de cruauté et de misère, et...
Cover of La résurrection de Rocambole
by Pierre-Alexis Ponson du Terrail
Language: French
Release Date: March 1, 2019

Retour au bagne de Toulon où Rocambole purge sa peine sous le numéro 117. Et, il n'est plus défiguré... Il est devenu le chef de criminels repentis, qui lui sont aveuglément dévoués, et a pour assistante une baronne polonaise, Vanda, qui lui est passionnément soumise, de même que Milon, une...
Cover of Les compagnons du trésor
by Paul Féval
Language: French
Release Date: October 22, 2018

Dans les Compagnons du trésor se trouve entrelacée à la recherche frénétique du trésor des Habits noirs, caché jalousement par le colonel Bozzo, la sanglante loi de succession de la famille Bozzo, dont l'ancêtre est Fra Diavolo : le fils doit tuer le père pour lui succéder, à moins que...
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