Bookrix: 8418 books

Cover of Ruhe in Frieden: Wegners schwerste Fälle (10. Teil)
by Thomas Herzberg
Language: German
Release Date: July 23, 2019

Was ist geschehen? Und viel wichtiger: Hat Wegner das feige Attentat überlebt? Der letzte Teil "Wegners schwerster Fälle" entwickelt sich für alle Beteiligten zum Spießrutenlauf. Während man in der Führungsetage bereits fieberhaft nach Verantwortlichen für das entstandene Chaos sucht,...
Cover of Das Böse (Wegners erste Fälle)
by Thomas Herzberg
Language: German
Release Date: July 23, 2019

Hamburg, Januar 1980: Das Böse schleicht durch die vereisten Straßen Hamburgs. Es entführt Kinder. Als die Leiche einer Elfjährigen gefunden wird, treibt allein das Wegner fast an den Rand des Wahnsinns. Selbst Hauptkommissar Kallsen verliert seine übliche Gelassenheit. Denn auch, wenn ein Schuldiger...
Cover of Martin (Wegners erste Fälle)
by Thomas Herzberg
Language: German
Release Date: July 23, 2019

Hamburg, April 1981: Ein Junge verschwindet spurlos, ausgerechnet der Sohn von Kallsens Cousine, Martin. Anfänglich glaubt niemand in der Hamburger Mordkommission an ein Verbrechen. Wegner ist frisch verlobt und hat viel lieber mit einer vermeintlichen Reise in den siebten Himmel zu tun. Erst als...
Cover of Auftrag: Mord - Wegners schwerste Fälle (9. Teil)
by Thomas Herzberg
Language: German
Release Date: July 23, 2019

Neu: "Der Kiez" Wegners erste Fälle (9) Auftrag: Mord: Aus purer Not heraus bleibt Wegner nichts anderes übrig, als sich mit Martin Seibler zu verbünden. Ein griesgrämiger Hauptkommissar und ein Auftragskiller in Frührente – zweifellos ein Team, wie es unterschiedlicher kaum sein...
Cover of Pik As Mord

Pik As Mord

SoKo Hamburg 15 - Ein Heike Stein Krimi

by Martin Barkawitz
Language: German
Release Date: October 15, 2018

Ein Trumpf für den Tod! Welcher eiskalte Killer heftet Spielkarten an seine Opfer? Ein brutaler Doppelmord in der Hafencity und im Bahnhofsviertel St. Georg gibt Hauptkommissarin Heike Stein und ihren Kollegen von der Soko Hamburg Rätsel auf. Haben die Bluttaten im Zockermilieu stattgefunden?...
Cover of Blutige Rache: Wegners schwerste Fälle (4. Teil)
by Thomas Herzberg
Language: German
Release Date: July 23, 2019

Blutige Rache ... ein Versprechen, das Gabriel, der Betreiber einer gleichnamigen Internetseite, gemobbten Kindern macht. Bereits nach dem ersten grausamen Mord an einem Schüler wird klar, dass ein Ende der Taten nicht abzusehen ist. Doch Gabriel hat auch noch eine eigene Rechnung zu begleichen,...
Cover of The Lost Race (Illustrated)
by Robert E. Howard
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2014

The novel features a muscular hero known on earth as Esau Cairn. He is transported through space to a world known as Almuric by unspecified scientific methods. While there he battles with frightening monsters and beautiful women. Cairn becomes known as the Iron Hand due to his powerful punches and...
Cover of People of the Dark (Illustrated)
by Robert E. Howard
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2014

The novel features a muscular hero known on earth as Esau Cairn. He is transported through space to a world known as Almuric by unspecified scientific methods. While there he battles with frightening monsters and beautiful women. Cairn becomes known as the Iron Hand due to his powerful punches and...
Cover of Tobias Halson: Vampire Hunter
by John Evans
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2016

Tobias Halson is a young vampire hunter protecting the city of Philadelphia from the undead creatures of the night. When a corporate board member is thrown out of an office building showing signs of vampire attack, Tobias is called in to investigate and becomes lost in a world of white collar politics,...
Cover of Name Your Price
by Laura Kostad
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2014

Everyone asks questions of life and the world around them, but have you ever had that insatiable desire to find a true, absolute answer to those burning questions? Enter Carley, a college freshman whose participation in a gender and women's studies course has led her to contemplate some of the most...
Cover of The End Of Death
by M. Stephenson
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2013

I'm going to reveal some crucial information to you, my reader, before I begin. 1) I'm dead. 2) He rules over us, forcing any captured resistance members into his Herald. 3) I'm part of said resistance - and I've been caught. Join Arlena on her final quest in Death as she battles to finally see the face of the mysterious tyrant.. Before time runs out and she is forever at his mercy.
Cover of Mrs.Delansky and the untold story of the Titanic
by Barbara Shriver
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2016

  This story is about a woman who was suppose to be on the Titanic with her parents and her Nanny when she was just a child. Their trip was cancelled due to an accident the night before therefore saving their lives. It tells how her life and her parents were effected because of this. And the type...
Cover of Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle

His Words

by Daniel Coenn
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2014

This book is a collection of 175 fundamental quotes and aphorisms of Arthur Conan Doyle: "Excellent!" I cried. "Elementary," said he." "Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth." "It is more than possible; it is probable."...
Cover of Spectacular touch typing tips
by Todd Hicks
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2019

Written by Todd Hicks, a blogger on touch typing, this book contains tips to help you quickly become a fast typist. Todd has done keyboarding for a long time and wants to pass on what he has learned, knowing the value of typing fast and accurately. Imagine becoming more productive and having more...
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