Barbara Cartland: 551 books

Cover of 10. Das Traumpaar
by Barbara Cartland
Language: German
Release Date: April 14, 2015

Zehntausende britische Touristen waren 1803 von Napoleon gefangen genommen worden als der Waffenstillstand zwischen Frankreich und England eintrat. Viele schafften es unterzutauchen - darunter auch Frau und Tochter von Sir Edward Waltham, der im vergangenen Winter gestorben war. Notdürftig schafft...
Cover of 11. Bezaubernde Hexe
by Barbara Cartland
Language: German
Release Date: April 14, 2015

Prinzessin Laetitia möchte ihre Cousine, Prinzessin Stephanie, vor einer von ihrer Großtante arrangierten Heirat mit dem König von Zvotana zu retten. Denn Stephanie ist in ihren Bruder Kyril verliebt. Doch Laetitia und ihre Familie sind selbst von der Gnade der Großtante abhängig, da ihr Vater...
Cover of 12. Die Zärtliche Versuchung
by Barbara Cartland
Language: German
Release Date: May 14, 2015

Der Marquis von Havingham besucht seine Mutter in Harrogate um ihr mitzuteilen, dass er Lady Beryl Fern heiraten will, die schönste Frau im Kreise des Prinzregenten. Seine Mutter macht sich Sorgen, denn er liebt Beryl nicht. In Yorkshire erfährt hingegen Torilla, die Tochter eines Pastors der im...
Cover of 13. Liebe unter Fremdem Himmel
by Barbara Cartland
Language: German
Release Date: May 14, 2015

Als Lord Sheldons Mund in der Bibliothek ihres Onkels den ihren berührte, war sich Azalea nur des wütenden Feuers auf seinen Lippen und des Pulsierens ihres Körpers bewußt. Wie konnte sie ihm je das furchtbare Geheimnis anvertrauen, das ihr Leben überschattete? In einer Geschichte vor dem Hintergrund...
Cover of 160. A Miracle In Music
by Barbara Cartland
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

A much-admired patron of the arts and something of a ‘ladies’ man, the Duke of Arkholme, a very rich and celebrated aristocrat, is as passionate about music as he is bored by the attentions of predatory Society ladies. He decides to launch at his own expense a competition to encourage talented...
Cover of 20. A Dama De Companhia
by Barbara Cartland
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 14, 2015

Jacoba era uma bela jovem, filha de uma antiga família inglesa, estava órfã e falida, precisando de se empregar. Pela necessidade, respondeu a um anúncio para trabalhar como dama de companhia de um velho senhor, o Conde de Kilmurdock, chefe de um poderoso clã, nas Terras Altas da Escócia, assim...
Cover of 09. Uma Noite No Moulin Rouge
by Barbara Cartland
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 1, 2014

Paris do século XIX! Capital dos prazeres proibidos, reino de belas e desinibidas cortesãs que se exibiam no cabaret Moulin Rouge, cobertas de sedas e joias espetaculares, ao lado de seus ricos amantes! Foi nesse cenário deslumbrante de erotismo e boêmia, que Una Thoreau, recém-saída de um convento,...
Cover of 38. Der Marquis und das arme Madchen
by Barbara Cartland
Language: German
Release Date: February 14, 2016

Als der Marquis von Swayne im Dorf einen schlimmen Unfall mit seiner Kutsche erleidet, wird er im Hause von Dr. Winsford einquartiert. Seine Tochter Rowena kümmert sich aufopfernd um ihn – so sehr, daβ sie sich ineinander verlieben. Und doch will der Marquis Rowena auf keinen Fall heiraten. Sein...
Cover of 168. Love Holds The Cards
by Barbara Cartland
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

Accustomed to spending fortunes on fast women and high living, Lord Wynchingham is horrified to lose one hundred thousand pounds in a card game and then finds that he is almost bankrupt. So when Tina Croome, his beautiful orphaned Ward, throws herself on his mercy he says that there is nothing he...
Cover of 180. The Passion and the Flower
by Barbara Cartland
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

Strikingly handsome the Russian Prince Ivan Volkonski leaves a trail of broken hearts behind him wherever he goes. But, when his best friend, Lord Marston, takes him one evening to the famous Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris, he witnesses a spellbinding dance performance of grace and spirituality that...
Cover of 182. Safe in Paradise
by Barbara Cartland
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

Having inherited a considerable fortune from her American Godmother, the beautiful young debutante, Zarina Bryden, really is the belle of the ball throughout London Society, wooed by an endless parade of insincere suitors in love with her money and not with her. Both her mother and father have died...
Cover of 184. Love at First Sight
by Barbara Cartland
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

Despite the arranged marriages of her two sisters having ended in tears and misery, the Duke of Cumberworth insists that his beautiful daughter, Lady Lavinia, or Ila for short, marries the rich and aristocratic Marquis of Rakemoore, his most serious rival at Race MeetingsIla is appalled. Not only...
Cover of 10. Vinganca Do Coracao
by Barbara Cartland
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 1, 2014

As águas do rio Sena brilhavam freneticamente, refletindo o brilho fantástico das luzes de Paris. Lágrimas também brilhavam nos olhos de Nádia, mostrando a dor de seu jovem e sofrido coração. O Sena a chamava, prometendo-lhe no gozo de suas águas o fim das perseguições, tentando seduzi-la...
Cover of 11. Uma Orquidea Para Chandra
by Barbara Cartland
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 1, 2014

Chandra escutou passos decididos ecoando pela sala… a tênue claridade de uma vela iluminou parcialmente um corpo bem-feito, alto e vigoroso. Por mais que ela se esforçasse, não conseguia adivinhar as feições do homem que dela se aproximava, e  foi então que, bruscamente, ele a puxou para...
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