Alexandra: 249 books

Cover of Secret Places: Vignettes Erotique
by Alexandra Lee
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2015

Alexandra Lee, author of The Submission of Alison Cho and The Alison Cho Files, presents Secret Places; a coterie of sexy women sharing their private moments and their most intimate fantasies and desires, including the erotic zombie thriller, Ravaged by the LIVING DEAD. Enjoy 13 saucy bedtime stories...
Cover of Barista
by Alexandra Lee
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2015

Alexandra Lee, author of Secret Places, The Submission of Alison Cho and the Alison Cho Files, presents the intimate fantasies of a cute barista with a unique strategy to make her shift go faster. Barista: hot espresso erotica, with a twist…
Cover of Dreaming of the Fisherman’s Wife
by Alexandra Lee
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2015

Alexandra Lee, author of the Submission of Alison Cho and the Alison Cho Files, presents an erotic sci-fi shokushu goukan short story, Dreaming of the Fisherman’s Wife; in which a drowning surfer trapped in a treacherous riptide is rescued and then abducted by an affectionate aquatic alien.
Cover of Tales of Forbidden Love (A Collection of Forbidden Romances, Previously Published)
by Alexandra Benedict
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2016

Dear Reader:"Tales of Forbidden Love" is a collection of previously published historical and contemporary novels featuring one of my favorite themes – forbidden romance. Here you’ll find three emotional stories transcending culture, class and even nature.In "A Forbidden Love" a hedonistic...
Cover of Tempesta di passioni
by Alexandra J. Forrest
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 7, 2017

Scozia, fine XIV sec. La vita di Marian, figlia adottiva del fabbro di un piccolo villaggio, viene sconvolta nel giorno del suo matrimonio, quando il potente signorotto della Contea viene a reclamare il suo diritto alla “prima notte”. L’episodio dà l’avvio a una serie di irreversibili...
Cover of Il sogno di una Regina. (Zenobia, la Leonessa di Palmira Vol. III)
by Alexandra J. Forrest
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 13, 2015

Palmira, Siria, III sec. d.C. Zenobia, assunta la reggenza in nome del figlio dopo la morte di Odenato, deve affrontare, oltre alle consuete difficoltà di governo, la delegazione che l’imperatore di Roma ha inviato a Palmira, ma lo splendore della città, unito alle straordinarie doti della...
Cover of Sotto il segno delle Aquile. (Zenobia, la Leonessa di Palmira Vol. I)
by Alexandra J. Forrest
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 13, 2015

Palmira, Siria, III sec. d.C. Da due secoli ormai la Siria è parte dell’Impero Romano e la città di Palmira è diventata uno dei più importanti snodi commerciali della provincia. Settimio Odenato, valente generale alleato di Roma, si impegna per mantenere nella regione un sempre minacciato...
Cover of L'angelo ribelle - Le brume delle Highlands [Vol. I]
by Alexandra J. Forrest
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 5, 2017

Inghilterra, metà del XIX sec. Shannon McLeod, dopo la stagione mondana londinese e un lungo periodo di lontananza, torna in Scozia per trascorrervi le vacanze e rivedere la famiglia del lato paterno. Ancora adolescente, Shannon ha perso la madre ed è cresciuta presso i nonni materni a Londra, poiché...
Cover of L'angelo ribelle - Profumo d'Oriente [Vol. II]
by Alexandra J. Forrest
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 31, 2017

India, metà del XIX sec. Shannon McLeod, ferita dal matrimonio sbagliato e delusa dall’amore che crede impossibile per Nicholas McDougall, figlio del pastore protestante del suo paese, parte per le Indie inglesi alla ricerca del padre dato per disperso. È l’inizio di un viaggio lungo e avventuroso...
Cover of Dominique


L’ombra del passato

by Alexandra J. Forrest
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 7, 2018

Dominique ha due sogni nella vita: conquistare il cuore di Mark Shannon, l’uomo che ama, e diventare una scrittrice di successo. Tuttavia gli ostacoli fra Dominique e Mark appaiono insormontabili e lei, delusa e amareggiata, insegue fama e successo nel mondo della letteratura, riuscendo in breve...
Cover of Alta marea
by Alexandra J. Forrest
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 17, 2018

In un piccolo paese dell’America Latina, un gruppo di guerriglieri sta preparando un colpo di stato per abbattere la giunta militare che opprime la popolazione. In uno scenario denso di intrighi, inganni e lotte per il potere, s’intrecciano le vicende di Ramon Arada, uno dei capi della rivolta,...
Cover of Belong To Eternity: Book VI Of The Inversion Chronicles
by Alexandra Amalova
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2018

In this thrilling climax to the Inversion Chronicles, Alex5 - along with a tiny band of Changers and humanoids - sets off from Satellite 252 to take on the might of the Executive, the future of humanity in their brave but meager hands. A note from the author: Thank you for perusing this book,...
Cover of The Complete Inversion Chronicles
by Alexandra Amalova
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2019

'It was now or never. The Earth was dead. War had decimated her then had tortured, raped and burnt her. Nothing grew. Nothing flew, swam, walked or crawled. Seas were poisoned. The land was charred. The air was acrid. This journey was humanity's final, most desperate act. It was our last chance. We...
Cover of Switching Lanes on Life’s Journey (Abridged Version)
by Alexandra B Kelemen
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2012

This book is an essential guide to learn the techniques and solutions for your brilliant and most fulfilling second or third career ever imagined. Perhaps you're struggling with loss, discontent, or disappointment. Or perhaps there’s simply something missing, but you have no idea what that...
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