A C : 700 books

Cover of Danielle


Heavy On My Mind, #1

by Candace Mumford
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2018

 It's been four long years since plus-sized beauty Danielle Dotson has let real love into her life. Since the un-timely death of her high school sweetheart, Danielle has concentrated on nothing but fulfilling her dreams of becoming a successful business owner. Too disillusioned with men more concerned...
Cover of Isla de bobos
by Ana García Bergua
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2015

En Isla de bobos, Ana García Bergua se remonta a las décadas pre y posrevolucionarias para reanimar una extraña tragedia olvidada y marginal. La novela se basa en un suceso real acontecido en la isla de Clipperton, un atolón cora­lino que se localiza en el Pacífico mexicano frente a las costas...
Cover of Cornwall
by Geraldine Edith Mitton
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2014

Example in this ebook   POPULAR IDEAS OF CORNWALL To the mind of the ordinary Briton there is a curious attraction in "getting as far as you can"—a streak in mentality which has accounted in no small degree for the world-wide Empire. In England you cannot in one direction...
Cover of La mirada del ángel

La mirada del ángel

En torno a las Tesis sobre la historia de Walter Benjamin

by Bolívar Echeverría
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 28, 2014

Los trabajos que integran este volumen provienen en su mayoría de un coloquio que intentó acercarse inquisitivamente a la presencia enigmática e inquietante en las Tesis de Benjamín de una teoría de la historia muy especial, que entraña una abierta provocación a lo que a partir del siglo XIX...
Cover of La Formación Humana para Ejercer el Liderazgo

La Formación Humana para Ejercer el Liderazgo

El mejor se cultiva cada día

by Juan Carlos Loranca Bravo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Un libro que ofrezca elementos y reflexiones formativas humanas es básico para la vida de una persona. Hoy en día las generaciones de jóvenes no cuentan con un pensamiento que los invite a aprovechar las cualidades que poseen y que les sugiera aprovechar la vida que gozan; por el contrario, los...
Cover of A History of Epidemics in Britain (Volume II of II) : From the Extinction of Plague to the Present Time
by Charles Creighton
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2014

A History of Epidemics in Britain (Volume II of II) : From the Extinction of Plague to the Present Time This volume is the continuation of ‘A History of Epidemics in Britain from a.d. 664 to the Extinction of Plague’, and is the completion of the history to the present time. The two volumes...
Cover of A History of Epidemics in Britain (Volume I of II) : from A.D. 664 to the Extinction of Plague
by Charles Creighton
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2014

A History of Epidemics in Britain (Volume I of II) : from A.D. 664 to the Extinction of Plague The Middle Age of European history has no naturally fixed beginning or ending. The period of Antiquity may be taken as concluded by the fourth Christian century, or by the fifth or by the sixth;...
Cover of Basta cerrar los ojos

Basta cerrar los ojos

Antología personal

by Darío Jaramillo Agudelo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2015

A semejanza de una hebra -fina, resistente, luminosa- cada uno de los poemas que forman este libro va enrollándose con natural sabiduría en la rueca del alma que los ha convocado. Y es que la obra poética de Darío Jaramillo Agudelo eligió, a lo largo de los años, componerse a través de una...
Cover of Greece (Illustrations)
by J.A. McClymont, John Fulleylove
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2015

Example in this ebook More perhaps than any other country in Europe, Greece owes its charm to the traditions of a remote past. It has no lack of fine scenery, and there is much that is interesting in its modern life; but what chiefly distinguishes it from other countries is the rich and beautiful...
Cover of Sueños de la razón 1799 y 1800

Sueños de la razón 1799 y 1800

Umbrales del siglo XIX

by Jorge Aguilar Mora
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 1, 2016

Con una extrema lucidez y una creatividad deslumbrante para hacer ver el sentido, la fuerza y la irradiación de una energía vital que atraviesa como río subterráneo y como intensa corriente generativa un momento clave (el fin del siglo XVIII y el principio del XIX), y que aún estremece y cuestiona...
Cover of Guía de Amor Gay
by J.A. Espinosa
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

…Me quedé sentado después de la clase de educación física, no podía dejar de mirarlo, algo en él me atraía como un imán, era mi amigo desde hace años, pero ahora su cercanía me hacía sentir nervioso, al ver su torso desnudo me di cuenta de que estaba excitado, ¿qué me pasa?Una guía...
Cover of Ancora noi
by Diana D.P.
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 14, 2019

Dopo cinque anni a Dublino, Daniele decide di tornare a Roma per riflettere su una proposta di lavoro che cambierebbe la sua vita: stabilirsi in Irlanda per sempre. In Italia, però, oltre a sua sorella e ai suoi amici, lo aspetta anche Stefano, il passato dal quale è fuggito e a causa del quale...
Cover of Danielle
by Candace Mumford
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2018

 It's been four long years since plus-sized beauty Danielle Dotson has let real love into her life. Since the un-timely death of her high school sweetheart, Danielle has concentrated on nothing but fulfilling her dreams of becoming a successful business owner. Too disillusioned with men more concerned...
Cover of Constelación de sueños
by Marisa Iturriaga Rivas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

La locura es propia del que sueña. ¡Despliega tus alas y ponte a volar!Concebida y gestada en la insomne lucidez de una vigilia pródiga en imágenes, Constelación de sueños atrapa y seduce por la sinceridad de sus personajes pues como un día escribió Marguerite Yourcenar: “No se puede llegar...
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