A C : 700 books

Cover of México armado
by Laura Castellanos
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 28, 2014

Es éste un ágil relato periodístico que, lejos de sucumbir a las valoraciones simplistas o las opiniones maniqueas, deja hablar a los actores, rescata testimonios y documentos, pone en orden la historia, para entender mejor las ideas del México inconforme, guerrillero, que se lanza a la lucha...
Cover of Humanising Work

Humanising Work

Co-operatives, credit unions and the challenge of mass unemployment

by Chris Beales
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2014

Does the search for meaning in work matter? - and is it even possible to ask such a question against a backdrop of mass youth unemployment, widespread poverty and growing inequality? Drawing on the experience of the Mondragon co-operatives in Spain and other innovative models of employment and enterprise...
Cover of Bonnie Scotland (Illustrations)
by Ascott Robert Hope Moncrieff, Sutton Palmer
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2015

The author does not attempt elaborate word-pictures, that would seem pale beside the artist’s colouring. His design has been, as accompaniment to these beautiful landscapes, an outline of Scotland’s salient features, with glimpses at its history, national character, and customs, and at the literature...
Cover of ¿Soñando con los BRIC?

¿Soñando con los BRIC?

Estrategias de control gubernamental de las potencias del 2050

by Pablo Trejo Pérez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Brasil, Rusia, India y China (el verdadero significado de las letras BRIC) se encuentran trabajando sin parar para poder hacer los cambios que se necesitan para lanzarlos como una gran potencia; cambios que se vean reflejados en un mejor poder adquisitivo de la sociedad, una mejor representación...
Cover of Incurable
by David Huerta
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 28, 2014

Delirio, meditación, cascada, océano; el trabajo poético de David Huerta alcanza en Incurable –poema precioso sin preciosismos, poema llano que no desdeña la extravagante orfebrería de lo hermético ni la violencia revelatoria, poema inspirado que respira por la herida y por el verbo– una...
Cover of Punto di rottura
by N.R. Walker
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 18, 2019

Libro secondo della serie Turning Point Una lotta per ciò che è giusto si trasforma in una lotta per la vita. Mentre il senso di colpa lo tormenta, il mondo di Matthew Elliott inizia ad andare fuori controllo. Più lui cerca di tenere duro, più tutto gli scivola via tra le dita, senza...
Cover of Necropoli
by Jordan L. Hawk
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 16, 2019

L’introverso studioso Percival Endicott Whyborne ha passato gli ultimi mesi guardando il suo compagno, Griffin Flaherty, venire a patti con il rifiuto della sua famiglia adottiva. Perciò, quando un telegramma urgente di Christine li convoca in Egitto, Whyborne è riluttante a rischiare la fragile...
Cover of Incanto
by Joanna Chambers
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 17, 2019

Due anni sono trascorsi da quando David Lauriston ha visto per l’ultima volta il nobile e cinico Murdo Balfour. L’occasione di un nuovo incontro giunge con la visita di re Giorgio IV nella capitale scozzese, per celebrare la quale Murdo viene inviato dal padre in rappresentanza dell’aristocratica...
Cover of This has got change!
by Alfredo Culebro
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2013

We all carry a slave inside. How do to make our strings?When fear paralyzes you, your inner voice blackmails provoking you will certainly not find the way and live haunted by the past ... stop: This has tochange!Life is a game and you have to play to win understanding their rules forever.This book...
Cover of Insurgentes


Guatemala, la paz arrancada

by Santiago Santa Cruz Mendoza
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 28, 2014

Santiago Santa Cruz, el Comandante Santiago, médico de profesión, relata su experiencia guerrillera en la Organización del Pueblo en Armas (ORPA) de Guatemala, y luego en el Frente Unitario de la Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca (URNG), a partir de sus libretas de campaña y sus recuerdos...
Cover of Las Delicias de la Casa

Las Delicias de la Casa

Ricas recetas para ti

by Fundación Casa de Santa Hipólita
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 21, 2017

Las Delicias de la Casa de Fundación Casa de Santa Hipólita, pone a tu alcance una recopilación de exquisitas recetas: las favoritas, las más sencillas de realizar, las más ricas, las secretas y algunas verdaderamente originales, preparadas por las cocineras y religiosas de varias casas hogar...
Cover of Salud integral
by María Baez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

• Conoce sobre la alimentación basada en grupos sanguíneos.• Aprende sobre los conocimientos básicos de una buena dieta. • Mejora tu alimentacion con las másde 35 recetas, fáciles, económicas y nutritivas que se incluyen. Una buena salud sólo se logrará de una manera completa y adecuada...
Cover of A qualcuno piace in… kilt
by Giuditta Ross
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 6, 2019

Il destino può giocare davvero brutti scherzi. Un momento hai il mondo in mano e quello successivo vuoi solo trovare un angolo nascosto in cui leccarti le ferite. Lo sa bene Rowan O’Kinley, così come sa che ci sono perdite con cui sembra impossibile venire a patti tanto che l’unica soluzione...
Cover of Convulse
by Mike Spiritfair Marty
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2017

Raw humiliation of the highest degree; if you ever succumb to the temptation of trying to feel better about your individual life by wanting to see in what ways other people are doing worse than you are, this transcript of three unedited psychological sessions should fulfill this inclination for you....
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