馬特.瑞德利Matt Ridley: 10 books

Book cover of Genome


The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters

by Matt Ridley
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2013

The genome's been mapped. But what does it mean? Arguably the most significant scientific discovery of the new century, the mapping of the twenty-three pairs of chromosomes that make up the human genome raises almost as many questions as it answers. Questions that will profoundly impact the...
Book cover of The Evolution of Everything

The Evolution of Everything

How New Ideas Emerge

by Matt Ridley
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2015

The New York Times bestselling author of The Rational Optimist and Genome returns with a fascinating argument for evolution that definitively dispels a dangerous, widespread myth: that we can command and control our world. Human society evolves. Change in technology, language, morality, and...
Book cover of Francis Crick

Francis Crick

Discoverer of the Genetic Code

by Matt Ridley
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2012

Francis Crick—the quiet genius who led a revolution in biology by discovering, quite literally, the secret of life—will be bracketed with Galileo, Darwin, and Einstein as one of the greatest scientists of all time. In his fascinating biography of the scientific pioneer who uncovered the genetic...
Book cover of The Agile Gene

The Agile Gene

How Nature Turns on Nurture

by Matt Ridley
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2012

Armed with extraordinary new discoveries about our genes, acclaimed science writer Matt Ridley turns his attention to the nature-versus-nurture debate in a thoughtful book about the roots of human behavior. Ridley recounts the hundred years' war between the partisans of nature and nurture to...
Book cover of De evolutie van alles
by Matt Ridley
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 7, 2016

Als er één hardnekkige mythe over de wereld bestaat, dan is het dat we allemaal aannemen dat wij mensen kunnen plannen hoe de wereld zich ontwikkelt. Matt Ridley betoogt echter dat ‘evolutie’ het sleutelbegrip is om te kunnen begrijpen hoe en waarom onze wereld verandert. Dit geldt niet alleen...
Book cover of The Red Queen

The Red Queen

Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature

by Matt Ridley
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2012

Referring to Lewis Carroll's Red Queen from Through the Looking-Glass, a character who has to keep running to stay in the same place, Matt Ridley demonstrates why sex is humanity's best strategy for outwitting its constantly mutating internal predators. The Red Queen answers dozens of other riddles...
Book cover of The Rational Optimist

The Rational Optimist

How Prosperity Evolves

by Matt Ridley
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2010

Life is getting better—and at an accelerating rate. Food availability, income, and life span are up; disease, child mortality, and violence are down — all across the globe. Though the world is far from perfect, necessities and luxuries alike are getting cheaper; population growth is slowing; Africa...
Book cover of Do Humankind’s Best Days Lie Ahead?
by Steven Pinker, Matt Ridley, Alain &#100&#101 Botton
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2016

Progress. It is one of the animating concepts of the modern era. From the Enlightenment onwards, the West has had an enduring belief that through the evolution of institutions, innovations, and ideas, the human condition is improving. This process is supposedly accelerating as new technologies, individual...
Book cover of 無所不在的演化:如何以廣義的演化論建立真正科學的世界觀
by 馬特.瑞德利(Matt Ridley)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 10, 2016

◆《23對染色體》、《天性與教養》、《世界,沒你想的那麼糟!》暢銷科普作家 馬特.瑞德利 最新著作 演化的觀念不只發生在生物學中,它能解釋人類世界與自然世界種種變化, 影響力無遠弗屆,超乎你的想像! 人們在解釋自然和人類世界的種種現象時,總是忍不住陷入一個迷思,他們會假設世界的森羅萬象都是人甚或神的施設造作:宇宙和生命是神創造出來的;語言、道德、宗教、法律是聖人創業垂統的結果;人天生是一張白紙,後天環境決定人格的形成;而科技甚至網路的出現,則都要歸功於某些科學家。他們甚至相信,政府的干預可以改善教育、經濟和貨幣問題。 但是暢銷科普作家馬特.瑞德利引用科學、經濟、歷史、政治和哲學的證據,以其趣味盎然的生花妙筆告訴我們:不管是自然現象或人類文明,其實都是自然的、突現的現象。它們是演化的結果,是漸進的、按部就班的,有自己的動能,並非一夕之間創造出來的。而大部分的人類世界則都是人類行為互動的結果,不是有目的的設計和干預。 這就是瑞德利所謂的「廣義演化論」。他認為,達爾文的天擇理論可以說是狹義的演化論,但廣義演化論則適用於社會、貨幣、科技、語言、法律、文化、教育和道德等等領域,讓我們得以破除迷思,建構起真正科學的世界觀。 【專文推薦】 楊倍昌/國立成功大學醫學院微生物暨免疫學研究所教授、台灣科技與社會學會理事長   【各界好評】 「一種極有智慧且打破偶像崇拜的世界觀,督促我們用新的觀點來看待生命。」 ——《紐約時報書評》(New...
Book cover of 天性與教養:先天基因與後天環境的交互作用
by 馬特.瑞德利(Matt Ridley)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 1, 2004

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