蓋文.普瑞特─平尼(Gavin Pretor Pinney): 4 books

Book cover of The Cloud Collector's Handbook
by Gavin Pretor-Pinney
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2011

The perfect incentive for keeping your head in the clouds, The Cloud Collector's Handbook is a whimsical guide to the wonders of the sky. Throughout, author and cloud expert Gavin Pretor-Pinney catalogs a variety of clouds and gives readers points for spotting them and recording their finds. This...
Book cover of The Cloudspotter's Guide

The Cloudspotter's Guide

The Science, History, and Culture of Clouds

by Gavin Pretor-Pinney
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2007

Now in paperback: the runaway British bestseller that has cloudspotters everywhere looking up. Where do clouds come from? Why do they look the way they do? And why have they captured the imagination of timeless artists, Romantic poets, and every kid who's ever held a crayon? Veteran journalist...
Book cover of The Wave Watcher's Companion

The Wave Watcher's Companion

Ocean Waves, Stadium Waves, and All the Rest of Life's Undulations

by Gavin Pretor-Pinney
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2010

Get ready for a global journey like none other-a passionate enthusiast's exploration of waves that begins with a massive surfable cloud and ends with the majestic Pacific ocean, making side trips along the way to reveal the ups and downs of brain waves, radio waves, infrared waves, microwaves, shock waves, light waves, and much more.
Book cover of 看雲趣:從科學、文學到神話,認識百變的雲世界(10週年新裝版)
by 蓋文.普瑞特─平尼(Gavin Pretor-Pinney), 黃靜雅
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 1, 2019

二十世紀才出現的是哪種雲? 孫悟空駕的觔斗雲又是哪一種? 晴天、雨天、颱風天,看雲就知道? 有趣的飛機凝結尾會造成氣候變化? 雲量多寡,牽動人類存亡關鍵?!   這本精采的「賞雲指南」包山包海,詳細介紹風起雲湧的科學原理, 還有朵朵白雲的趣聞軼事、文學典故及神話。 請跟著賞雲達人,一起讀懂大氣的表情!   雲不僅把天空妝點得多采多姿,也和我們的生活息息相關。從小愛看雲的作者為大力推廣雲的美好,發起「賞雲協會」,並在眾所期待下寫出這本精采的「賞雲指南」。本書以雲的十大分類為基礎,包括積雲、積雨雲、層雲、層積雲、高積雲、高層雲、雨層雲、卷雲、卷積雲和卷層雲,也搜羅各種奇特的雲、飛機凝結尾、晨光雲等,就每一種雲的特色講述不同的故事。 除了介紹各種與雲相關的科學原理,隨手拈來更有許多雲的神話故事與傳說,以及和雲有關的社會與歷史事件,並收集數百張提綱挈領的圖表協助說明,包羅萬象,趣味橫生。就讓我們帶著這本書,一起賞雲去!   想讀懂大氣的心聲,要先看懂雲的千變萬化。 這本書可以讓你知道: ‧會讓人得季節性憂鬱症的是什麼雲? ‧看似魚鱗狀的雲究竟是哪種魚的分身? ‧哪種雲讓飛行員從一萬公尺高空墜下還能保命? 好多你想不到與雲有關的奇聞妙事,通通在這裡!   ★「青年尬科學」好書100推薦 ★...
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