艾琳.路佩登Ellen Lupton: 6 books

Book cover of Design Your Life

Design Your Life

The Pleasures and Perils of Everyday Things

by Ellen Lupton, Julia Lupton
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2009

Design Your Life is a series of irreverent and realistic snapshots about objects and how we interact with them. By leading design thinker Ellen Lupton and her twin sister Julia Lupton, it shows how design is about much more than what's bought at high-end stores or the modern look at IKEA. Design is...
Book cover of Graphic Design: The New Basics

Graphic Design: The New Basics

Second Edition, Revised and Expanded

by Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips
Language: English
Release Date: July 14, 2015

Our bestselling introduction to graphic design is now available in a revised and updated edition. In Graphic Design: The New Basics, bestselling author Ellen Lupton (Thinking with Type, Type on Screen) and design educator Jennifer Cole Phillips explain the key concepts of visual language that inform...
Book cover of Diseño gráfico: Nuevos fundamentos
by Ellen Lupton
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 15, 2016

Diseño gráfico: Nuevos fundamentos ha pasado a la categoría de clásico por aportar un nuevo enfoque en el aprendizaje del diseño gráfico. Ellen Lupton y Jennifer Cole Phillips analizan las estructuras formales del diseño y se las explican a los estudiantes con un lenguaje actual, lleno de referencias...
Book cover of Thinking with Type

Thinking with Type

A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students

by Ellen Lupton
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2014

Our all-time best selling book is now available in a revised and expanded second edition. Thinking with Type is the definitive guide to using typography in visual communication, from the printed page to the computer screen. This revised edition includes forty-eight pages of new content, including...
Book cover of Type on Screen

Type on Screen

A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Developers, and Students

by Ellen Lupton, Maryland Institute College of Art
Language: English
Release Date: August 12, 2014

The long awaited follow-up to our all-time bestseller Thinking with Type is here. Type on Screen is the definitive guide to using classic typographic concepts of form and structure to make dynamic compositions for screen-based applications. Covering a broad range of technologies—from electronic...
Book cover of 圖解字型思考:寫給設計師、寫作者、編輯、以及學生們的重要指南


Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students

by 艾琳.路佩登(Ellen Lupton)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 18, 2016

暢銷書《圖解設計思考》作家艾琳.路佩登,暢銷十年經典,字型思考不敗守則! 這不是一本關於字型的書,而是一本關於如何使用字型的書。 假使你就像大多數的平面設計師一樣, 喜歡對小細節斟酌再三、斤斤計較, 那麼翻開這本書你將會發現許多讓你…… 愛不釋手、五體投地、焦慮不已的內容。 國外各大設計學院都在使用,設計人書架上都找得到! ◎字體編排設計養成工具書 ◎四平八穩、清晰易懂 ◎簡約卻結構紮實 ◎適合隨手翻閱 ◎反映字體編排設計的各種面向:包括書的歷史、理論、與創意 ◎從印刷紙張到發光螢幕、是涵蓋各種視覺設計媒體的書 《圖解字型思考》由三個單元組成:字母(letter)、文本(text)、和網格(grid),從最基本的字母樣式開始,一直談到將文字融入條理一致的內容主體、以及可靈活變動的系統當中。每一單元的開頭都有一篇敘事性的短文,探討在各種媒體上影響字體編排設計的文化性與理論性議題。緊接在短文之後的範例,除了展示字體編排設計「如何」架構之外,同時也說明「為什麼」的理由,以證明設計的慣例有其功能與文化的基礎。在這本書裡,設計實務的範例一一展現出字體編排系統的彈性--而其中的規則(幾乎)全都是可以打破的。 『《圖解字型思考》在二○○四年首次出版,問世不久便被公認為必備的設計工具書。最新增訂版增加了四十八頁的全新內容與數十張插圖,帶給讀者更多精彩的案例、令人大開眼界的演示、以及增益功力的實作練習。』 【各界讚譽】 「『字型』(type)是印刷與網頁設計的基礎。關於『字型』的設計思考你所需要知道的一切,都可以在本書中找到。本書就前一版的經典內容做了詳細而與時俱進的更新,每位設計師、寫作者、編輯、出版商、業主的書架上都該有一本。」 ——傑佛瑞.澤爾曼(Jeffrey...
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