米歇爾‧傅柯 Michel Foucault: 40 books

Book cover of Speech Begins after Death
by Michel Foucault
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2013

In 1968, Michel Foucault agreed to a series of interviews with critic Claude Bonnefoy, which were to be published in book form. Bonnefoy wanted a dialogue with Foucault about his relationship to writing rather than about the content of his books. The project was abandoned, but a transcript of the initial...
Book cover of The Chomsky-Foucault Debate

The Chomsky-Foucault Debate

On Human Nature

by Noam Chomsky, Michel Foucault
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2015

In this historic 1971 debate, two of the twentieth century’s most influential thinkers discuss whether there is such a thing as innate human nature. In 1971, at the height of the Vietnam War and at a time of great political and social instability, two of the world’s leading intellectuals,...
Book cover of Disorderly Families

Disorderly Families

Infamous Letters from the Bastille Archives

by Arlette Farge, Michel Foucault
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2017

Drunken and debauched husbands; libertine wives; vagabonding children. These and many more are the subjects of requests for confinement written to the king of France in the eighteenth century. These letters of arrest (lettres de cachet) from France’s Ancien Régime were often associated with excessive...
Book cover of Obrar mal, decir la verdad: la función de la confesión en la justicia. Curso de Lovaina
by Michel Foucault
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 29, 2016

Invitado por la Escuela de Criminología de la Universidad Católica de Lovaina, en 1981 Michel Foucault dicta las seis clases del curso “Obrar mal, decir la verdad. Función de la confesión en la justicia”, en un contexto marcado por los debates entre abolicionistas y partidarios de posiciones...
Book cover of About the Beginning of the Hermeneutics of the Self

About the Beginning of the Hermeneutics of the Self

Lectures at Dartmouth College, 1980

by Michel Foucault, Laura Cremonesi, Arnold I. Davidson
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2015

In 1980, Michel Foucault began a vast project of research on the relationship between subjectivity and truth, an examination of conscience, confession, and truth-telling that would become a crucial feature of his life-long work on the relationship between knowledge, power, and the self. The lectures...
Book cover of Subjectivity and Truth

Subjectivity and Truth

Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981

by Michel Foucault
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2017

“The working hypothesis is this:  it is true that sexuality as experience is obviously not independent of codes and systems of prohibitions, but it needs to be recalled straightaway that these codes are astonishingly stable, continuous, and slow to change.  It needs to be recalled also that the...
Book cover of Wrong-Doing, Truth-Telling

Wrong-Doing, Truth-Telling

The Function of Avowal in Justice

by Michel Foucault
Language: English
Release Date: June 4, 2014

Three years before his death, Michel Foucault delivered a series of lectures at the Catholic University of Louvain that until recently remained almost unknown. These lectures—which focus on the role of avowal, or confession, in the determination of truth and justice—provide the missing link between...
Book cover of Language, Madness, and Desire
by Michel Foucault
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2015

As a transformative thinker of the twentieth century, whose work spanned all branches of the humanities, Michel Foucault had a complex and profound relationship with literature. And yet this critical aspect of his thought, because it was largely expressed in speeches and interviews, remains virtually...
Book cover of "Discourse and Truth" and "Parresia"
by Michel Foucault
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2019

This volume collects a series of lectures given by the renowned French thinker Michel Foucault late in his career. The book is composed of two parts: a talk, Parrēsia, delivered at the University of Grenoble in 1982, and a series of lectures entitled “Discourse and Truth,” given at the University...
Book cover of ¿Qué es la crítica? seguido de La cultura de sí. Sorbona, 1978 / Berkeley, 1983
by Edgardo Castro, Michel Foucault
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 1, 2018

¿Cómo gobernar a los hombres? Esta pregunta fundamental se instala, nos dice Foucault, a partir del siglo XVI, y no ha dejado de plantearse desde entonces en las sociedades occidentales, marcando el auge del “arte de gobernar”. Si la Iglesia cristiana sostenía que cada individuo debía ser...
Book cover of Discurso y verdad: Conferencias sobre el coraje de decirlo todo. Grenoble, 1982 / Berkeley, 1983
by Michel Foucault
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 1, 2017

Durante años hemos leído, como si fueran la transcripción fiel de su palabra, las conocidas conferencias pronunciadas por Michel Foucault en 1983 en la Universidad de California en Berkeley. Pero se trataba sólo de piezas parciales, de resúmenes. La presente edición incluye, por primera vez...
Book cover of A verdade e as formas jurídicas
by Michel Foucault
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 1, 2018

A Verdade e as Formas Jurídicas foi o título das conferências proferidas por Michel Foucault no Brasil – entre 21 e 25 de maio de 1973, organizadas pelo Departamento de Letras da PUC-Rio – que deram origem a este livro. Para celebrar os quarenta anos do evento, a NAU Editora organizou esta...
Book cover of Human Nature: Justice Versus Power

Human Nature: Justice Versus Power

The Chomsky-Foucault Debate

by Noam Chomsky, Michel Foucault
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2011

In 1971, at a time of enormous political and social change, two of the world's leading intellectuals, Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault, were invited by the Dutch philosopher Fons Elders to debate the question: is there an 'innate' human nature independent of our experiences and external influences? Their...
Book cover of The Order of Things

The Order of Things

An Archaeology of Human Sciences

by Michel Foucault
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2012

In the work that established him as the most important French thinker since Sartre, Michel Foucault offers startling evidence that "man"—man as a subject of scientific knowledge—is at best a recent invention, the result of a fundamental mutation in our culture. With vast erudition, Foucault...
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